Are you so tired and in love with someone?

Are you so tired and in love with someone?

The distance between people is the benevolent pen of taste. Such words are just words of comfort to lick one's own feathers.

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everyone mistakenly thinks that

he is the rose the little prince planted in the glass.

always think that

his sincerity to you,

is the most precious thing.

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when he quarreled, he apologized patiently, coaxed beautifully, and said, baby, I'm sorry, I love you. But the same contradiction will be thrown to you intact next time.

before going to bed, he sent sweet good night, cute memes, and great love. But after a while, WeChat moments sent out another update with a second deletion.

on your birthday, he leaned behind your ear and wished you happiness, but that's all. There was no special ritual to make the day different.

when you are away on business, he reminds you not to tire yourself. But for several days, he dialed the phone, but he could not answer it all the time. Of course, in more than ten minutes, you will receive a WeChat message: honey, I was busy just now, what's wrong?

you have been patient for a long time and are full of confusion as to why his sincerity is so sincere that there is little left in your heart. You even begin to wonder if you are too much of a shadow.

you say, maybe I blame my greed for not wanting a heart that can only swim between lips and teeth. Also vainly hope that it day after day, within reach, dissolved in life.

when you are in love, you always feel like a bear child who no one wants to take home. No one has ever seen the future in you, and the people who pass you just want to take you to the amusement park and go home.

you and he seem to be sincere, but in fact, one keeps questioning and the other keeps flinching.

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although, the careful search between two people is more tactful than a high-profile show of love. Sadness as the background of love, there is an exit but can not take root, the more uncertain, the more I feel that it is hidden in the mountain forest fog, is an untrimmed flower on the top of the cliff snow.

but, is there anyone who doesn't want to commit an act of righteousness? Don't want to, or can't? The distance between people is the benevolent pen of taste. Such words are just words of comfort to lick one's feathers.

Why do we have to secretly cut through the wall to borrow light when we can knock on the door and rush into his arms? Sledgehammer 80, small hammer 40, who knows who suffers.

in a relationship, inaction is not better than making mistakes. The person you love adheres to the bad habits of mediocrity and does nothing. In his position but do not do his or her job, you will have a strong doubt, more importantly, this question is often to guess the other person's mind, while blaming yourself.

so much internal friction, all because he once said that he had feelings for you.

Wake up, the heart is rapidly changing, and the process of acting for the sake of the heart is valuable. A person, do nothing, repeat only one sentence, I like you. It's like I dream of winning the lottery, but I never buy it. How ridiculous.

there is no plot that he says he likes you, but you can't feel it. There is a somewhat rough principle, but it is very practical: what you can't feel, it doesn't exist. What kind of love is it that you can't feel?

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I like you, you don't like me, and I like you, too. I like you, you don't like me, but you pretend to like me with your verbal sincerity, which, to be honest, I don't look up to very much.

most of the reasons why we ask ourselves to be open in our lives are due to the fear of karma. It's the same reason that people are eating and the scales are watching.

We did 1234 not to be sure we would get 5678, but to get closer to it, to get close to the possibility that there might be only half a point. Only when we are sincere enough can we dare to embrace ourselves in the face of the mountains and rivers.

"There is no road to sincerity because sincerity is the road to everything."

when you realize that he has done nothing but speak his heart, you can no longer read back to this cheap heart.

sincerity is an act that flows in life.

it is never a destination, but a bridge to it.

We make a living and seek love to cross this bridge.

from then on, we seek unity and never break up.