Between people, it's just a game of heart to heart.

Between people, it's just a game of heart to heart.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

be willing to be compassionate and compassionate to others, naturally soft and benevolent; have a sense of shame, naturally abide by justice and stick to the bottom line; be humble, naturally polite and comfortable; be able to distinguish right from wrong, naturally, generate wisdom, and be clear and clear when things happen.


some people say: " between people, but a heart to heart ".

  it is these things that bring people to the world to take part in a feast of true feelings. When the feelings of love flow naturally between people, everyone is a little sun, warming themselves and illuminating others.  


A true friendlies in

Spring and Autumn period, when young Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya hit it off very much and were attracted to each other like bosom friends.


the two work together to do business. Guan Zhong's family is poor and can't afford much money. Bao Shuya doesn't care. When the business was made, Guan Zhong shared more money, and Bao Shuya was willing because he knew that Guan Zhong was not greedy for money, but was desperately poor.

Guan Zhong joined the army with Bao Shuya. Guan Zhong was in the rear when he charged and fought, and when Bao Shuya was defeated, Guan Zhong was in front and Bao Shuya was behind. Others said to Bao Shuya that Guan Zhong was a coward and depended on your protection.

Bao Shuya defends Guan Zhong, because Guan Zhong is the only child at home, has an old mother to take care of, and must do his part in life. After hearing this, Guan Zhong said with emotion: "the parents who gave birth to me, the abalone who knew me."


I just learned that I didn't understand Bao Shuya at Guan Bao's acquaintance, and even felt that he was unfilial regardless of his own life and death. Only when I grew up did I realize how valuable it is to be considerate to my friends. If you can't even sympathize with others, don't talk about knowing shame, being able to yield and distinguish between wrong and wrong.


Friendship is like both ends of the scale, with your appreciation on one side and Thanksgiving on the other. In this way, friendship will bloom like flowers.

Zhihu has such a question, "what is a really good friend?"  

the one who received high praise was: "the true good friend is the one who breaks the rules without breaking the rules just because two people are good friends."  "

True friendship always meets the other person's needs rather than announcing what they need.

you respect me afoot, I give you a foot back, it seems to be reciprocity, but, it begins with the sincerity of two hearts.

A high-quality friendship is never maintained by the sacrifice of one party. A good friend is not only heart to heart but also heart to heart.  


heart to heart, that is, EQ

some people say: "Communication is 70% emotion and 30% content."


the communication between people can last long only with the wisdom of comparing one's heart to heart.

 there used to be a popular saying on the Internet:

you hate pedestrians when you drive, and you hate cars when you walk.  

you are the customer who thinks the merchant is to profiteering, and you are the businessman who thinks the customer is too picky.


you have a daughter-in-law who you don't think is sensible; you have a daughter and you want her to be in charge of her mother-in-law.


when you work, you think your boss is too strong and stingy, and when you become a boss, you think your employees are too irresponsible and incompetent.

look at each other from your point of view, and you will always see the shadow side.

most of the time, the disharmony in interpersonal relationships stems from each other's lack of empathy for others.

 it is recorded in the Analects of Confucius that Zi Gong once asked Confucius, "Is there anyone who has one word and can do it all his life?" Confucius replied, "I will forgive you!"  

means, "is there a word that can be followed for a lifetime?" Confucius replied, "that's forgiveness!"


it is not easy to see other people's difficulties when they are alive. It is not easy to take the initiative to understand other people's difficulties.

"Zengguang Xian Wen," says, "blame yourself with the heart of blaming others, forgive others with the heart of forgiving yourself".


can push oneself and others, compare heart to heart and use the selfishness of forgiving oneself to deal with the difficulties of others, so it is easy to understand and tolerate.

all the high EQ in the world is heart to heart.

03  heart to heart

is the highest level of kindness


between people, in the final analysis, it is a heart-to-heart exchange, cherish the sincerity and friendship you get. Don't always worry about who has not rewarded you, and the kindness you have already given, it will be farther and farther away from happiness.


obedience to nature, kindness to others, no need to be timid, don't worry about each other's ignorance of ourselves, we are born with common spirituality and emotions.


more often, the disharmony of interpersonal relationships is caused by a timidity that leads to unnecessary estrangement and suspicion, but because of indifference and thick dust.

Daniel, a famous American psychologist, said: " the degree to which you are comfortable determines the height you can reach.  "

Learning to compare your heart to heart is the superior EQ and the highest goodness.


"Zengguang Xian Wen," says, "blame yourself with the heart of blaming others, forgive others with the heart of forgiving yourself".

can push oneself and others, compare heart to heart and use the selfishness of forgiving oneself to deal with the difficulties of others, so it is easy to understand and tolerate.

03  heart to heart

is the highest level of kindness

between people, in the final analysis, it is a heart-to-heart exchange, cherish the sincerity and friendship you get. Don't always worry about who has not rewarded you, and the kindness you have already given, it will be farther and farther away from happiness.

obedience to nature, kindness to others, no need to be timid, don't worry about each other's ignorance of ourselves, we are born with common spirituality and emotions.

more often, the disharmony of interpersonal relationships is caused by a timidity that leads to unnecessary estrangement and suspicion, but because of indifference and thick dust.

Dress to impress in our collection of long sleeve white dresses. Why don’t you pick the cheap but high quality dress?

Learning to compare your heart to heart is the superior EQ and the highest goodness.

one day you will understand that love is the sincere treatment of two hearts, not the beating of one heart against the other.