Can you boast?

Can you boast?

Wen /Xiaoyanjing 1 the pattern of my father and my mother for decades was that they were ashamed of each other to death. As soon as one of the two people starts talking, the other person is sure to drive directly.


my father and mother have been getting along with each other for decades: they are ashamed of each other to death.

as long as one of the two people starts to speak, the other person must be directly injured, cut in the mouth, and show no mercy. Dad: how about the new shirt? I bought it myself. Mom: smug! Sissy! The thief is disgusting! Will you buy clothes?! Dad: I won't play with you anymore. Dinner. Dad: iboga (adverb, indicating the degree of intensity) tastes terrible! It smells like restaurant overnight food reheated in the microwave oven! Mom: the goods Lahen son (pronoun for contempt) tastes terrible. Don't eat it! Dad: it doesn't matter whether I eat or not. My son is hungry and thin again. Look! Me: it's none of my business. I may find it interesting to write this, but in fact, the two are shabby each other with their lives from the bottom of their heart. Ningbo dialect itself is very hard, normal speech is like a quarrel, once the sarcasm mode is turned on, the combat effectiveness rises geometrically.

and Ningbo dialect, the language itself, especially honors swearing, and there are very few boastful words. And it's funny that the better the relationship, the worse the dialect. For example, my brother who grew up with me used to call me Zhongsheng. It's nice to read Chinese characters. Dialect means animal. And my dad likes to call me a little coffin or a big-eyed son. Speechless), these are all intimate terms. I really can't understand our dialect culture. So when parents complain about each other, it is simply a Ningbo cursing exhibition. Rarely can a meal be finished in peace? After all these years, I am used to listening to them tease each other at dinner. However, in the past two years, since the retirement of the two elders. I found that my parents have become able to say nice things about each other and praise each other face to face! Let's go home for dinner once in a while. Dad: your mother is a delicious cook now. Look at this dish. Look at the taste. Tsk! Mom: Oh, just so-so. Your father often cooks now, and his craftsmanship is better than mine. Dad: no, you've been doing it for decades. I've been used to it. Me:OS: dad, do you play amnesia? who used to find fault with vegetables? Will you guys stop doing this? I'm not used to it all of a sudden! Finally, one time I couldn't help asking why you suddenly became hypocritical. My father taught me the way of life and the way of husband and wife again. Dad: small coffin, I tell you, I won't stay comfortable all day after retiring your mother. What if I don't eat and run and dance in the square? If you look at me for such a compliment, your mother will not only cook happily but also pick up meat for me! Watch and learn! In this life, boasting people will not make you less meat, more praise, less harm, everyone is happy! Dad, you've learned the truth again. But it's a little late.


there seems to be no tradition of boasting in our culture, only the tradition of brown-nosing. Praise and praise are always easy to be put together with some bad words. For example, if there is nothing to be courteous for, it is either adultery or theft. Smooth tongue, mouth honey belly sword, ulterior motives, hidden knife in a smile, etc., boast of individuals will also be regarded as bad intentions of the villain, naturally, everyone is not willing to show their praise, national scolding and so on to show their true temperament, even boast people have to add a TMD. Because of this, it is rich in death and arrogance, and there are many tragedies in his life. The most famous death arrogant in history is the proverb [I don't kill Boren, but Boren dies because of me. The protagonist Boren. Brother Boren, named Zhou Qing, actually appreciated Director Wang very much and tried his best to defend him in times of crisis, but this man had a tough mouth and was so arrogant that he didn't say anything to others and looked at Director Wang's face. later, Director Zhou Qing was silent when he encountered a crisis. Well, Dai Aojiao died because of arrogance, rubbing tiredness, killing people ah! When I learned about this historical allusion, I was deeply saddened. Praise beauty, what a positive energy thing, from the heart, just say it! This is still the most generous of people Cao Cao, [today's hero only makes the king and the ear! Directly boast the preparation to pee. Always staring at the shortcomings and shortcomings of others, they are unhappy, the other party is even more unhappy. If there are any simple and effective skills in life that can improve happiness immediately, I think sincere praise and praise are essential. Will Smith starred in the romantic comedy rival of the Nation, in which he instructed a clumsy fat man to chase his goddess. The trick is how to praise and praise people effectively. There was a particularly impressive scene in which the goddess took the fat man to a party. There are a lot of difficult girlfriends of the goddess. If a fat man wants to chase a goddess, he must be recognized by his girlfriends to see what he does after being instructed.


shake hands strongly and introduce yourself vigorously when you meet every stranger. Don't express your opinions easily and don't be frivolous. Women can intuitively tell whether you are honest or not, and the smarter women are, the less they like others to pretend. Even for clumsy people, it is more natural to be clumsy sincerely than to be skillful in disguise.


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praise details based on facts often get twice the result with half the effort. The fat man learned something about the goddess's best friend and asked him how the creative inspiration came from. When the best friend starts to speak, she listens attentively, gives feedback on what she says, praises her reasonably and without exaggeration, and makes some casual descriptions and compliments about the clothes she is wearing today. It is simple and casual, but it makes people feel good. In any social place, people expect what others think of them, and if they get a positive response, they will rejoice in their good qualities and become more intimate with those who praise them.


if you want to do something just because you are shy, it is more worthwhile to do it. To develop a positive response to others' kindness, strengths and changes is not a shy thing, but a generous gift.

there is a common way of boasting-- contrast. Although I don't like it this way. Because my parents have always been in front of me since I was a child. Praise other people's children, Xiao Ming, you are so clever, unlike our little Iwai Bala Bala. I think it would be nice to just boast. Don't accidentally hurt another person at the same time. It's very sad to get shot while lying down. What I think of as boasting is a kind of simple praise and appreciation, not for other purposes, praise or praise itself, just like going out on a fine day and sighing nice day. Colleagues with a new hairstyle, sincerely say that it suits you, it is enough. This kind of natural and comfortable boast not only makes people feel good but also makes them in a good mood. Why not do it?


finally, let me give a negative example. When my girlfriend cut his short hair and asked him how he was, my good friend Lao Zhou said dully and sincerely:\ & not; I think your short hair is very good! ..\ & quot; the smiling face of the other party just unfolds. He continued: "anyway, your long hair is not feminine, short hair and save shampoo!" Much more refreshing! " He cried to me about his girlfriend and still hasn't forgiven him. I can only reply sincerely and painfully: yes. On the contrary, I thought of Zhihu's last question: how can I pick up the conversation when my girlfriend says XX is so handsome? You should encounter it a lot in this life. Most boys are dismissive and nymphomaniac. Look at the correct answer. ) [so what, my girlfriend is not as beautiful as mine. according to the fact, this beauty can be replaced with cuteness, connotations, big breasts, and so on. You don't have to praise. There's nothing to admire. Just smile. Old Mr. Ji Xianlin has a life motto-"strong> not all lies, not all truth."  Don't brag when you really can't boast.