Crazy possessiveness

Crazy possessiveness

Wen /Yingu Firo every time after a rendezvous with her, the next morning, she always asked me to leave something. It could be one of my hair, a half-smoked cigarette, or

after every rendezvous with her, the next morning, she always asked me to leave something behind. It could be one of my hair, a half-smoked cigarette, or the button of a close-fitting shirt. I asked her what she was doing, and she said it was a thought. When you see these things, you can naturally think of everything about me. It's like I was there for her all the time. So every time I go to this small apartment I rent for her, as soon as I arrive at the door, the breath of existence that I am familiar with will automatically cater to me and be compatible with me.

once I came in and saw her put her last button on my Rest pillow. her hand gently and flirtatiously stroked the pillow as if I were sleeping there. When I came over a few times later, I saw my hair on the pillow, the handkerchief I used, and the lighter I left behind. Even once, when she greedily allowed me to suck my thumb, she looked at me and blinked and said, can you keep this? I looked at her in horror. Her lava possessiveness almost burned me to pieces. She said that when I was away, she would look at these things in a daze all day, from the white foggy morning to the orange dusk. Without a job, she curls up in this small apartment all day, like a pearl hiding in a shell, just for me to open. Half a year after the rendezvous, her body is no longer a fresh strawberry to me, and her strange character reveals the deep sea like an iceberg.

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I'm getting tired of these sneaky rendezvous. Come to realize that this temporary comfort is wrong. At the same time, my heart is slowly returning to my family. At the child's birthday party, look at the busy wife in the kitchen and the innocence of the child blowing out the cake candles. I feel like I'm moving away from this happiness. A sudden awakening, melancholy as if lost feeling like a sharp arrow, is chopping up my rot. I'm leaving that possessive woman. When she said goodbye to her, she was unexpectedly calm, only with a clear understanding of the tide, faintly said, no, you will not leave me. But it wasn't that simple, and then she became more and more hysterical. Her wife said that a woman often called home and said she was a salesman, just wanted to hear her voice. She touched my home address and kept blocking me in the area, asking me to go back to the apartment with her. She even once went to her child's primary school in an attempt to take the child away. I have to end it with her. Life is like an apple that has been bitten by poisonous insects and exposed to oxygen. If it goes on like this, it will rot step by step. It was raining heavily that day. I crept to the door of her apartment and opened it neatly with the key. The light is not on. The shadow falls with the shadow. The darkness in the room and the thunder outside heralded the birth of a crime. I crept into the bedroom and gently pushed the door open. A strange smell of incense jumped into the tip of my nose. On the bed, a man was lying on her body, twitching. She moaned like a wild animal in estrus, which made me feel extremely sick. Damn it, you betrayed me first. The last reason fled with a crash of thunder. I took the knife out of my pocket and rushed through it as if I had stepped on a cloud. Stabbed the man heavily in the back. Stab in all the remorse, despair, anger, entanglement. When the man turned over, I was stunned that he had the same face as me. What's going on? Look at her again. She laughed. There were beads of evil sweat on the surface of her breasts. Her sideburns were wrapped in a strange arc around her face like an insatiable snake. When she moved her hand away from her stomach, I saw my button pinned to her belly button. Shining in the night. She stroked the button and said, you see, you've been with me all the time. I pointed to the dead man and asked, what's going on? who is he? She laughed madly, her eyes glowing ferociously, and said, how could you not know him?

Don't you remember what you look like? He is you. I? Yes, of course, thanks to the things you leave behind every time, and this pillow. Pillow? She gently stroked the pillow, as if stroking her child, said that when a person at night Rest, close to the pillow, people's thoughts, memories, people's countless dreams at night, are left on the pillow, after getting up the next day, there will always be some left in this, too late to follow you to start a new day of life, too late to say goodbye to you. I made a new you by combining the ethereal illusion you hid in your pillow with the entities embedded in our memories and my crazy thoughts of you. You never left me. You've always been here with me. She laughed as she spoke, the sound coming from hell. So honey, thank you for leaving that on the pillow, my what? Your soul. Frightened by her absurd words, I trembled all over, and immediately took a few steps back and slipped out of the bedroom, and with every step I ran, I felt that my body was slowly relaxing, light, and separated. Leaving the room, the corridor was stuffy, whirling with a deadly breath. I opened the window to get some air, and a gentle summer breeze blew in. My whole body was like a grain of sand, and it was blown away at once. Every inch of my skin is separating, every cell is rising, every sense is moving, I have become hundreds of butterflies, from the window, along with the night wind, fly away freely.