Everything will pass, waiting for the spring flowers to bloom!

Everything will pass, waiting for the spring flowers to bloom!

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.


when you are tired, you have to rest. When it is difficult, you have to catch your breath. We are all mortals, without three heads and six arms, so don't always make things difficult for yourself.

in our life, we will meet a lot of people, some people give you pain, some people make you cold, some people make you aggrieved.

but so what?

people who care about you will, as always, love you, and those who don't care about you, why should they care about you?

how much did you go through along the way? Is anyone worried about you?

how much have you endured in this adversity? is there anyone to accompany you?

when you encounter troubles, if you always don't let go, you can only suffer in the end.

you have to believe that life is like this, there is no winter can not pass, no spring does not come, everything will be all right, all the tribulations, but a false alarm.

apart from life and death, they are all small things, so we should learn not to care about them.

remember, in this world, even if no one likes you, you are unique, you are the baby of your parents, you are the only one of your family, don't ignore the love of your loved ones because of the unlove of others.

God is unfair to everyone. You are not the only one. If you are given prosperity, you will be given adversity.

as long as you hold on, the mud will pass sooner or later, and the dawn will come sooner or later!


Wind, there is always a time to stop; bad, there is always a good time. Just what we need to do is to calm down, calm down and face everything calmly.

A lot of things don't exist because you don't want to happen, and many feelings don't make you feel bad because you don't want to face them.

Life is like this. There are endless trials and tribulations that you must have. No one can help you. Most of the time you have to rely on yourself.

you cry bitterly, you can't eat, you complain, does it make sense?


the thorns will still exist, and the darkness will still come, so you might as well cheer up and face all this!

you have to believe that everything will pass, the ice and snow will melt, and the haze will dissipate.

frowning blindly, others feel uncomfortable when they see it.

it is better to learn to let go, to let go, to face and to be strong.

Life has been in a hurry for decades, don't be difficult with yourself, cherish the life in front of you, even if there are tribulations, it is only a test.

Life is full of ups and downs, what we need to do is not to be unhappy, but to forge ahead!

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everything will pass, just wait for the spring flowers to bloom!