Face determines the fate of a person's life! (not superstition)

Face determines the fate of a person's life! (not superstition)

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

The face of

is inborn, and the face is acquired.

A person's face can be divided into beauty and ugliness, and a person's face can be distinguished from evil.

the heart is different and the face is different.

the person who is always calculating and aggressive presents a ferocious appearance; the person who is always kind and kind to others presents the good fortune.

A person's face determines the fate of a person's life. The face of


comes from life

life is what it is.

A calculating person always makes a mountain out of a molehill and takes everything seriously, his face must be mean;

A person who always complains is always depressed, complains about others, and his face must be miserable;

A calculating person always wants to take advantage and get along with selfishness, and his face must be insidious.

villains have evil faces; good people have blessed faces;

villains have unruly faces; dignitaries have noble faces.

face comes from your business, your daily life, your life!

what life is like, your face is what you look like, and your face shows what attitude you use to interact with people.

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if you are a cultured, elegant, considerate person, your face will look simple, pure, gentle and beautiful.

if you are a person who has no grace, no manners, and likes to be serious and calculating, then your face will be slightly gloomy and acerbic.

face is the reflection of character and self-cultivation.


the face comes from the state of mind

Schopenhauer once said:

the face will look like what it looks like.

face is the accumulation over the years, and it is the precipitation of a person's life.

the face of a kind-hearted person is kind; the face of a kind-hearted person is kind;

an evil-hearted person has a ferocious face; a bad-hearted person has a gloomy face.

an upright person, his face is square and awe-inspiring, and he has been seen for a long time, which makes people respect. An insidious man, his face is so mean that he can't help looking at it, and the more he sees it, the more he wants to stay away.

face reflects a person's state of mind. What the heart is, the face will slowly change.

A person who interacts with people with ulterior motives will slowly become erratic when he sees that others are used to dodging and dare not look directly at him, so that people can see who he is.

A person who always deceives others but refuses to admit it is used to raising his voice and staring at people with his eyes. in fact, he has already shown a guilty face.

face comes from the state of mind, what the heart is, what the face is, the face is good if the heart is good, and the face is beautiful if the heart is kind.


face, determine fate

people get along with others, the first impression is the temperament emanating from the face.

some people are easygoing, friendly, smiling and warm. Such people can't help being close to each other.

some people are vicious, constantly conspiring, and their eyes are so sharp that they keep people at a distance. Such a person, everyone wants to make a detour.

the face is not good, the first impression is not good, who would be interested in digging up the rest of you?

face is the facade, and how it feels determines to a large extent what other people think of you, and to a large extent determines your future development.

people who have a good state of mind, treat people kindly, and always smile, make people feel comfortable and have more opportunities and connections than people with a mean face.

face comes from life, from mentality, from one's growth experience.

the magnificent person never gets angry because of trifles; the tolerant person never takes it seriously because of the shortcomings of others; the kind-hearted person never changes because of the indifference of the heart!

be yourself, correct your character, strengthen your faith, how sunny your heart is, how beautiful your life is, how pleasing your face is!

in the future, I hope we can all be kind to the world, smile at the thorns, be kind to others, have a good face, and have good luck!