Good friend

Good friend

He thought he could stop lying.

in the sudden hunger, Liang Shuang could not help eating a piece of Xia Hao's candy.

"who is your best friend?" She asked Xia Hao.

"Zhou Jiabin." Xia Hao did not hesitate. He has told this lie many times.

Zhou Jiabin and he went to a primary school from what we call the East Village. The houses in the East Village are low and white tiles are pasted all over the walls. Xia Hao went in twice and got lost both times. Finally, he asked the adult for directions before he escaped. Zhou Jiabin in the East Village has white skin and pink lips, like fake shrimp balls sold by the roadside. His hair was cut at right angles on both sides, as neat as a gray road. We know that Xia Hao always takes out his scooter from home after school and pedals on the gray road. Xia Hao thought it was very happy, especially when the pebbles on the wheels hit him in the calf, just like learning a set of pocket boxing. He glided across Zhiqiu Road into the East Village and got lost in the middle of the low house twice.

Xia Hao's lie began four months ago. At that time, he and Fang Ting had just established a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship based on a phone call. In the early morning park, they and Fang Ting's female companions occupy a right corner of the corridor, and at the door, there is a classmate who looks like a stone to guard their secret appointment like a stone. Xia Hao worried that in time he would need to share a portion of his pocket money to pay for security, which distracted him in the guessing game of the day. In the guessing game, three people take turns to work in the village, and the banker finds a star in the magazine brought by Fang Ting and gives hints one by one to let the remaining two parties guess. Fang Ting is the one who invented the game because she plays it best. Xia Hao always has a vague impression of the people in the riddle only after listening to three tips. Usually, he can't hear the third one. The defeat in the game, coupled with concerns about security costs, allowed him to smell the fried eggs he had just eaten in his stomach.

Xia Hao feels that love is not like this. So he bought a magazine with a big sofa on its cover, on which lay three women and a man. He looked at it from the first page and copied the names of each person in it into a 32-open hard-sealed book. He listed any relevant information after the person's name, which made him exhausted. By lunchtime, he turned to the middle of the magazine. There is an exclusive interview in the middle of the country. The interviewee is the man on the sofa. Xia Hao carefully read the text piled up in the 1/3 space at the bottom of the page. He looked at the interview questions one by one. "what's your favorite movie?" "what's your favorite color?" "favorite quotation?" "does Rest wear underwear?" He would take a minute to think about each question and write down his answer next to the man's answer with a 2B pencil. From black words on a white background to white characters on a black background, the sudden jump made Xia Hao feel a slight sense of dizziness. "who is your best friend?" This question baffled Xia Hao. The man on the sofa answered this question for as long as eight lines. Xia Hao looked at it twice but didn't see a name in it. He was a little nervous and felt life slipping out of the palm of his hand. He anxiously arranged the appearance of his classmates in his head in an attempt to save the situation. He compared shrimp balls, cuttlefish balls, and fake shrimp balls, and finally got the answer. When he picked up his pen and wrote "Zhou Jiabin", he felt that his mouth was very dry and his face might have turned red.

more than once after that, his classmates asked him, "who is your best friend?" Xia Hao always said Zhou Jiabin. The kids by the canal always use this rude question to confirm the relationship. Everyone asks everyone this question, and the answers form a cobweb. A child without any connection becomes a lonely spot, sinking in the black water of the canal. Xia Hao and Fang Ting used to walk together in the park near Blackwater. Fang Ting grabbed his hand and waited for him to sweat and let go.

Zhou Jiabin's best friend is not Xia Hao, it can't be Xia Hao. In Zhou Jiabin's impression, he only spoke to Xia Hao twice. Once Zhou Jiabin asked Xia Hao a math problem. Xia Hao added an auxiliary line to Zhou's book and quickly answered. Zhou Jiabin forced himself to come up with another solution, but the formula was full of half a page. On another occasion, they carried two buckets of drinking water upstairs from the rehearsal room on the ground floor. The two of them pushed the bucket down to the ground and rolled it, kicking it on the waist with their feet, and allowing the bucket to scratch a twill on the concrete floor. When moving upstairs, Zhou Jiabin held his butt and Xia Hao held the bucket head in both hands. Xia Hao was short, but he had to walk below. As he approached the fourth floor, he gave up his hand. The bucket turned two somersaults, cracked on the steps, and the water rushed into the third-grade classroom. The two men looked at each other and said nothing. The two may never have spoken to each other when they moved the bucket, Xia Hao thought when he recalled it. Despite this, Xia Hao repeatedly told himself that Zhou Jiabin was his best friend. The solution to this problem has given Xia Hao a long-term sense of happiness. Many times, Zhou Jiabin heard Xia Hao mention his name to others. Zhou was surprised and dared not ask Xia Hao any more math problems.

when Xia Hao's primary school held a food garden party, he had been lying for seven months. He is very happy to be assigned to a group with Zhou Jiabin. They spent the afternoon discussing the sale with three girls in the same group. They thought about making hamburgers, but the craftsmanship of fried chicken deterred them. They have also considered making pearl milk tea, but shaking cups and sealing machines are outside their experience. In the end, they chose a very simple combination of lobster slices and orange juice.

Xia Hao bought orange flavor and poured the whole bag into a big tin can. He and Zhou Jiabin stole two buckets of water from the rehearsal room and poured them in. Turn on the tap and the orange juice rattles out. They occupied a small piece of concrete on the west side of the football field. Next to the orange juice jar, they set up a coal stove. A small pan was set up on the coal stove to fry lobster slices. The pan was brought by Liang Shuang. She promised to bring a big pot, but her parents would only give her a pan. They thought it was just an outing, but they didn't know that at the moment more than 30 children were waiting in line for lobster slices with red paper coupons. Liang Shuang's pot was so small that the children in the team ran to the next stall to eat fried squid. At the same booth, Fang Ting is shaking milk tea. Fried squid with milk tea, what a terrible combination, Xia Hao thought, just like him and Fang Ting. The group has been around for three months. Xia Hao bought more than a dozen entertainment magazines and then had to sell them all to Liang Shuang.

at this time, Zhou Jiabin told Xia Hao that he had a big pot at home, which was leftover from his father's failure to open a restaurant. They decided to get the pot together. When Zhou Jiabin got on his bike, Xia Hao split his legs and sat on the back frame of the car. Zhou Jiabin's power shoes turned in circles and his buttocks were raised. He went out from the primary school gate, turned right, passed two snack bars, and came to Zhiqiu Road. Xia Hao got out of the car, Zhou Jiabin carried the car, and the two men stepped through the shrubs of the isolation zone and arrived at the entrance of the East Village. Xia Hao remembers that this was the end of the last time he got lost, and the rusty curved iron frame was welded with two copper-covered characters-Dongguan. Xia Hao looked up and felt that his mouth was dry and his face might have turned red. The road in the East Village was tortuous, and Xia Hao's unsupported legs swung from side to side along the route. He tried hard to memorize the road they had passed, trying to win back a city in the showdown with the East Village. Turn left at the red house-turn right at the construction site-turn left for three locust trees. The iron of the frame pressed Xia Hao's thigh vein and his feet went numb. He pounced forward and threw his head at Zhou Jiabin so that the frame would no longer hold the same vein.

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Zhou Jiabin ran to the second floor like a bird, and Xia Hao followed him. Zhou Jiabin walked into his farmhouse, rushed to the stairs, and ran like a bird to the second floor. The pot was so big that Xia Hao could cover it when he lay down. They found the cauldron in the second-floor attic. They each scratched an edge and walked out with a cauldron. The noise caused Zhou Jiabin's father, who took a nap, to shout, leaving a lead-black imprint. As the pot passed through the corridor, the pot made a loud noise against the white wall, leaving it with sparks of miso on the edge of the pan against the ground. They got on their bikes, and Xia Hao carried the pot in his hand. It was too heavy. Xia Hao's hands drooped lower and lower, and the edges of the pot scrubbed the ground and released sparks of miso. He lifted his right hand with his left hand to avoid the edge of the pot-Zhou Jiabin threw the car away and turned to check the pot that had fallen on the ground. Xia Hao threw the pot to the ground, and Zhou Jiabin heard the noise-throw the car away. Xia Hao ran and felt like he was flying. Zhou Jiabin-the two of them put the pot on the back of the car, and Xia Hao held the pot and ran. The pot was fine, and Zhou Jiabin picked it up again. Zhou got on the car and pedaled violently, and Xia Hao ran behind. There's nothing wrong with the pot. I feel like I'm flying. Xia Hao has no problem. I feel like I'm flying. He lied again in his heart.

the bike cuts 1/4 arc across the court. Xia Hao got out of the car and gave the pot above his head to Zhou Jiabin. They walked triumphantly to their booth, and the queue for lobster slices was extended to the basketball rack. They removed the pan and replaced it with a pot with a big belly. Zhou Jiabin poured a whole bottle of cooking oil and Liang Shuang added some firewood. Xia Hao almost put his face on the mouth of the pot, and he watched until the fine particles of oil popped out of the oil noodles. He waved and Liang Shuang cut a bag of lobster slices and put some colored sun into the pot. They expand rapidly, twist, and become opaque, porous materials. Xia Hao looked at lobster slices and Zhou Jiabin's recently shaved bald brain.

they are very much alike.

he thinks he can stop lying.