How quiet the heart is, how deep the blessing is.

How quiet the heart is, how deep the blessing is.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

the ancients said:

peace of mind is to suppress the restlessness in the hustle and bustle of the world.

is not hasty in the face of trifles and calm in the face of major events.

is also a busy time, look on coldly, stay awake; when alone, stick to yourself and be content with loneliness.

stillness is not only a kind of realm but also a kind of blessing, how quiet the heart is and how deep the happiness is.


peace of mind is a realm

the ancients said:

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A strong heart comes from the heart like still water, and only the still water runs deep, it will not easily stir up waves.

in life, there are always ups and downs, right and wrong.

if you rejoice when you are happy, you will inevitably be sad when you are down.

only by being calm can you face all kinds of situations calmly.

someone once asked the six ancestors: when the wind blows the banner, is the wind moving, or is the flag moving?

Master Liuzu replied: it's not the wind, it's not the flag, it's your heart.

We tend to pay too much attention to the movements of the outside world, which affects our state of mind.

others praise you. Don't be conceited and complacent. Only modest and prudent can you climb another tall building.

when others scold you, you don't have to feel sorry for yourself. Get up where you fall. Zhuangzi said:

peace of mind is a state of mind, not moving in the heart, not sleepy and affectionate, can live comfortably.

other people's praise and criticism of me are what other people think. Just listen to it and don't pay too much attention to it.

when you are calm, you can naturally see through and understand the true meaning of life.


peace of mind is a blessing

there is a poem saying:

time is like water, the rest of life is not long, do not worry about things, is the first blessing in life.

A person with peace of mind is broad-minded and will not be upset by petty profits.

A person with a good state of mind can let go and will not feel anxious because of the complexity of the world.

everyone's energy is limited, and smart people don't waste their time meddling.

instead of entangling with troubles, it is better to find another way to do something more valuable.

Tao Yuanming of the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not want to "bow down for five buckets of rice" and resigned.

so among the mountains, rivers, forests, and springs, I reaped the pleasure of "picking wildflowers by the fence and accidentally seeing Nanshan".

look down on the world, live with a normal heart and naturally happy Corning.

people live in a mood at the end of their lives.

A quiet person is full of joy, in a good mood, naturally light and healthy, and with long blessings.

Buddhism says:

the external environment changes because of the state of mind. If people with a calm mind know how to be kind to others, good fortune will come naturally.

more calmness, there will be less strife, happiness will grow, and disasters will be far away. For people with peace of mind, there is no need to demand blessings, they will naturally have them.


Zhuge Liang said:

calm down, be kind to people, and take things easy, the days will naturally become happier and happier.

peace of mind is a transcendental realm in which silence is better than sound, and there is infinite joy in peace.

how calm your heart is and how deep your happiness is. May you be as calm as water and at ease for the rest of your life.