If you walk, you will understand your heart.

If you walk, you will understand your heart.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

some people ask: what are the cruel truths in life?

in the high praise answer of netizen Chuanheng, there is a sentence that hits the hearts of the people:

"When I was at school, breaking up with my friends was a fatal thing, and it was very sad and sad.

but not anymore, because it broke up as we walked, and there was no movement at all. "

getting older, after the rush of life, I suddenly look back and realize that those old friends are like passers-by.

even if there is no antagonism and disagreement, it seems that they have worked hard with each other, but in the end, they will still be dispersed in the torrent of time.

it is not as young as it used to be, and it is not up to you and me to gather and disperse.

when I grow up, I realize that not only friendship but also most feelings can not escape the years after all.

in the adult world, parting is normal.


less companionship, walk away

on June 13, the memorial service of Huang Rihua's wife Liang Jiehua attracted a lot of people's attention.

in addition to Huang Rihua's tearful farewell love letter, whether the former "wireless five tigers" can be reunited has also become the focus of attention.

it is a pity that among the good brothers of the "five Tigers" in the past, only Liu Dehua and Miao Qiaowei were present, while the other two did not show up.

in 1983, Huang Rihua starred in the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and became a hit with the role of "Brother Jing".

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in the same year, he and Tang Zhenye, Miao Qiaowei, Andy Lau, and Tony Leung were also known as the "wireless five tigers".

that year, the five people were highly appreciated by the company and often appeared in front of the public together.

Huang Rihua once recalled in the program:

times have changed and everyone has their direction of development. Tony Leung and Andy Lau joined the film industry, one became an actor and the other became a heavenly king.

the other three are out of the public eye and focus their lives on life. Good brothers who used to get along day and night, go their separate ways, and have little contact.

everything from saying everything to having little contact is saved in a broken mobile phone.

the flow of time into the sea will eventually let people split up.

later, they all have a new life, new friends, less common topics to talk about, and their feelings slowly fade away.

everyone has their own goal and direction in life, and separation is inevitable.

as the writer Chang'an wrote in his book in August:

years are changing, each other is growing, and no matter how deep the feelings are, they are no match for the coolness of tea.

there are only so many places around everyone, and if someone wants to come in, someone is destined to leave.

people who once said they would accompany each other for a lifetime disappear in the sea of people as they walk, and those vows that have been agreed upon for a lifetime have been blown away before they grow old.

in adulthood, people go their separate ways and have less companionship. it is only a matter of time from familiarity to unfamiliarity. The end 

has become the ultimate trend of most relationships.


in the TV series "Pictures of Beijing Women", there are a pair of particularly sweet lovers, but in the end, the two ended up breaking up.

in the play, there is such a passage.

one day, Zhang Chao took his girlfriend Chen Keto to a high-end restaurant for a buffet.

he told Chen Ke that if you want to eat in a place like this, you must master a few key points. First of all, you can't drink water, and secondly, you should start with the most expensive food.

Zhang Chao assumes that he won't stop until he has eaten enough, but Chen Ke is humiliated, saying that he doesn't want to eat these at all, but only wants to drink.

finally, Zhang Chao, who was overfed, went to the drugstore to buy digestive tablets, while Chen Ke, who didn't eat much, chose to leave.

A meal exposes two people's completely different values.

Summer worms can't talk about ice. Enjoyment is one person's eyes is a waste in another's eyes.

people with different values are too tired to get along.

there are always people who say that our relationship has faded because he has changed.

it's not that people have changed, but it's time for you to see a person.

none of you has changed, but from the beginning, you have had different values.

it is difficult to tolerate people with different values.

one does not understand, the other does not explain, so the feelings are getting weaker and weaker, and the distance is getting farther and farther.

time is an antidote and a poison.

We were so good that we lost time in the end.

No matter how close the relationship is, it will lose the beauty it used to be because of the gap between the three values.

No matter how strong the emotion is, it will lead to alienation in the estranged values.


identity changes, walking alienates

MiyazakiHayao once said:

the sea of life, some people are doomed to separate.

in early June, Chen Jon, the queen of idol drama, appeared in teacher he's variety show "Please refrigerator".

the old friend recalled that in the middle of killing and stirring up emotion, the teacher said defenselessly: "the relationship between Chen Qiaoen and Xie Na is broken."

as straightforward as Chen Jon, not only did not refute but also personally sealed the authentication: "Xie Na is no longer my best friend."

the crowd exclaimed, "No way."

after all, the relationship between the two is famous in the circle.

in the program "here we come", the two sang together and worked together. Full marks, properly funny to score sisters.

outside the program, the two also have a strong sense of CP.

Why did the former bosom friend come to the point of emotional breakdown?

it turns out that because Xie Na has been upgraded to the mother of two babies, she pays more attention to her children. As a result, in the middle of frequent parties, she will say to Chen Qiaoen, "go on, I'll go home first."

with a different life schedule, Chen Qiao-en, who is unmarried, cannot understand Xie Na's eagerness to be a mother, so she inevitably feels frustrated.

identity is different, the contrast is big, the two people will be estranged as they walk.

sending people back and forth is just the norm of life.

some people can only share youth, while others can only take a walk.

when the distance between them gradually widens, until they finally fall out of each other's life, they will only miss and forget each other.

cherish when you meet, and companionship is enough. As long as appear in life, and can accompany you through a journey, is the best outcome.

there is a song that says:

in this world, no relationship is unbreakable, and the beauty that some people bring to you can only be treasured in your memories.

those who want to accompany you cannot be driven away; those who want to leave you always have their reasons.

Don't disturb, it becomes the last tenderness left to the old friend.


Sanmao said:

most of the relationships between people may eventually drift away with the barrier of time and space.

in the face of loss, I can't help feeling sad.

but people will be reunited and separated, and the moon will be full and missing, just like Yunzhuanyunshu, the ebb and flow of the tide is the most normal thing.

Life comes and goes and is impermanent, which is the normal state of life.

the so-called life is that you should get used to anyone's hot and cold, but also look down on anyone's drifting away.

Xu Zhimo wrote in "chance":

"you and I meet in the sea of night, you have you, I have my, direction."

it's good for you to remember, you should forget the light emitted by each other at this intersection. "

the rest of your life is not long. May you look down on the vicissitudes of life and feel safe and sound.