Immunity is the best doctor. Activate it in 8 simple ways.

Immunity is the best doctor. Activate it in 8 simple ways.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

when it is cold, children and old people with poor immunity are easy to catch colds. Are you the one with poor immunity?

the American Journal of Prevention summarizes the nine types of people with the worst immunity. Let's listen to the specific analysis of hospital experts to see if you are among them.


these nine categories of people have the worst immunity

1 and the social circle is too narrow

studies have confirmed that the fewer friends a person makes, the more likely he or she is to get sick, and even the longevity will be greatly affected. People with more than six friends were four times more resistant to the cold virus.


Friendship is a "good medicine" to boost immunity, but dealing with too many people can also become a kind of stress. Don't force yourself. Bosom friends are much more important than a bunch of casual acquaintances.

2, usually owe "sleep debt"

often deduct sleep time will make the body produce a sharp reduction in the number of immune cells. Researchers at the university of Chicago found that people who slept only four hours a day had only 50% of their flu antibodies in their blood, compared with those who slept seven to eight hours a day.


lack of sleep will reduce the function of the immune system, but you don't have to sleep for 8 hours, as long as you wake up in the morning and feel refreshed.

3. The study found that when pessimists take a positive view of misfortune in life, the number of white blood cells related to immunity will increase, and their physical condition will be significantly improved.



4. Keep something to yourself

the study found that couples who like to discuss problems have lower blood pressure and heart rate, while the number of white blood cells related to immunity will increase.


if you have anything to say, don't hold it in your stomach, which is similar to the benefits of moderate exercise.

5. Living under heavy pressure

people are most likely to get sick within a year after losing a spouse, and a job that makes you restless can also cause deep damage to your immunity.


A study found that after 45 minutes of massage every day, the number of immune cells increased and the immune function improved significantly one month later.

6. Go out by car

A study of Appalachian State University in the United States points out that after exercising for 30 to 45 minutes a day, five days a week for 12 weeks, the number of immune cells will increase, and the resistance will also increase relatively.


Doctor Huang Xiongang of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Zhejiang Hospital said that as long as the heart beats faster, too intense or more than an hour will inhibit the activity of the immune system.

7. My friend is a heavy smoker

statistics show that every year, 3000 non-smokers in the United States die of lung cancer, and 300000 children suffer from respiratory tract infections. It is needless to say that secondhand smoke affects health.

it is suggested that

should be kept away from secondhand smoke as far as possible. In addition, alcohol consumption should be moderate. Alcohol suppresses the B cells that make antibodies, increasing the chances of bacterial infection.

8. Over-reliance on antibiotics

Studies have found that taking antibiotics at the first appearance of cold symptoms will only make the virus resistant to drugs, leading to more serious infections.


some infections, such as influenza, are caused by viruses. You do not need to take antibiotics unless you are certain to have a bacterial infection.

9, not easy to be amused

A study from the School of Medicine of Loma Linda University in California found that laughter can reduce the secretion of "stress hormones" and increase the number of immune cells.


watch funny videos, share jokes or comics during your lunch break, all of which can make you happy.


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ways to activate immunity

Zhou Chunling, vice president of the Nutrition and Food Safety Branch of the Chinese Geriatrics Association, gave 8 simple ways to improve immunity to help you keep the disease out.

1, adequate sleep

at the turn of seasons, urticaria, herpes zoster and other diseases related to the decline of immunity caused by work pressure and lack of sleep are easy to occur. We must ensure adequate sleep.

adequate sleep should ensure physical recovery and energy when you wake up. The average daily sleep time for adults is 7-8 hours, and that for the elderly should not be less than 6 hours.

2, yogurt breakfast

A study by the American Health Association found that yogurt can lower levels of "bad" cholesterol (low density lipoprotein LDL) and reduce the risk of urinary tract infection by 47%.

the probiotics contained in some yogurt can greatly improve the immunity and disease resistance of the body.

3. Eat more garlic

A study by the Medical Center of the University of Maryland found that eating garlic not only helps to improve immunity, but also helps prevent heart diseases. However, people with gastrointestinal diseases should eat less.

but allicin is volatile in case of heat, so it is recommended to mash it and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes before eating, so that alliin and alliinase interact with each other to improve the nutritional value.

4. Often drink honey, ginger ale and lemonade

studies have shown that antioxidants in honey are boosters for improving immunity, ginger is a natural analgesic and antidote, and lemons are rich in vitamin C and antioxidant.

foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin CSubstance, can protect the body from the erosion of free radicals and harmful molecules, and promote the health of the immune system.

5. Enjoy afternoon tea

after 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the body's energy begins to decline. At this time, drinking a cup of afternoon tea or coffee and eating some snacks can not only replenish calories, but also relieve fatigue after continuous work. Keep your immune system healthy through self-regulation.

6. Exercise every week

A report from the National Library of Medicine shows that exercise can help "flush" bacteria in the lungs and improve the immune system's ability to detect diseases.

Modern people are under great pressure at work, but when their basic physical condition is normal, they can guarantee the amount of exercise for 30 to 60 minutes five days a week.

7, bask in the sun

keep a high level of vitamin D in the body, you can better prevent problems such as sore throat, common cold and stuffy nose.

generally speaking, the ultraviolet ray in the sun is low at 10: 00 in the morning and 4: 00 in the afternoon, which can avoid harming the skin for no more than half an hour at a time.

8, keep smiling

researchers at Stanford University in the United States have found that laughter can increase the number of antibodies and immune cells in blood and saliva, relieve fatigue, and is a good medicine to improve immunity.

in life, we should have more positive thoughts, divert attention and reduce stress by exercising, reading, chatting with friends, and so on.