It turns out that your happiness is more important than us.

It turns out that your happiness is more important than us.

There's no need to doubt that.

tomorrow I still like to be ironic

two days ago, I saw a girl playing games in an Internet bar.

she seems to be a novice because she always forgets to press the keyboard when she clicks the mouse and then dies before she knows it.

A boy next to her is teaching her in real-time, with a gentle voice and no impatience.

 I laughed at myself at that time, saying that I would be fed a handful of dog food in this place where single dogs were clustered.

but I didn't expect that when I was hiding out for a breath of fresh air, I met that boy again. He scratched his head while answering the phone and told his friends on the phone that he couldn't gang up tonight.

after answering the phone, he drank the cup of milk tea in his hand and stayed for a long time before getting back into the Internet bar.

at that moment, I found it difficult to fall in love.

on the one hand, they have to act with their girlfriends who don't like playing games, on the other hand, to live up to her "cooperation", they have to give up the time of ganging up once a week.

as a girl and heavy player, I know how awkward and bitter it is.

so later I did a solicitation, hoping to find some ways to make it easier to fall in love from your love experiences.

one. No longer ask the other person to return to himself in a second.

@ MN

the day before the graduation exhibition, she said to me again, "Let's break up."

I was talking to one of the directors at the time, and by the time I got home and remembered to check my phone, it was already 11:00 in the evening.

she sent me a lot of messages that night, and her mood went from relief from the beginning to the disappointment of "I fell asleep" at last, with large chunks of text in the middle.

posted on Wechat and found that it had been deleted.

my heart thumped and I called her hurriedly, but I didn't answer.

I looked at the red exclamation point and reflected that I didn't pay much attention to her feelings, and on the other hand, I began to think about whether to continue the relationship.

I admit that I can't spend too much time with her because of the graduation exhibition, but I have to be busy until one or two o'clock in the evening, and by that time, she is almost asleep.

when she came to me on the last day of the graduation exhibition, I didn't know how to open my mouth when I saw her.

so it was the first thing she said: "actually, I was under a lot of pressure at that time."

I said, "well, I know, just understand each other."

maybe the word "mutual understanding" reminds her of something, or it may be that the three-year relationship ended with "you didn't reply in time", so at that moment, I saw the possibility of "getting back together" in her eyes.

but after thinking about it, I think I'll pass.

because for the two of us at that stage, the biggest problem is not "she asked me to come back in a second", but "whether I can take care of her need to be alone."

in retrospect, it's a bit of a pity. If she took a step back, or I took a step back, maybe this hurdle would have passed.

but no maybe.

two. If you can take the initiative to say why you are unhappy.

@ Wen Qi

I like him at first because he can find out my emotions.

at that time, I entered the present university because of the poor college entrance examination. I was so angry that I spent all my time in the library.

when all the classmates in the class praised me for my hard work, only he said that I was just trying to ease my sense of powerlessness after failure.

at that time, I thought he understood me and understood what I didn't say.

then we got together, but after the first three months of passionate love, I felt that there was some unspeakable gap between me and him.

three. Indulge my unimportant little habits.

@ Yu Arming

the words "fall in love" seems to be far away from us.

because the feeling of "seeing each other will be happy" is completely different from that when we are together. After talking for five years, we must admit that it is very difficult for you to be more interested in the same face and voice.

so the motivation to keep us together has also shifted from "happy" to "free".

I know that many people will disagree with me, because they think that "freedom" is the key factor, two people have to be happy together, and it is a kind of constant happiness.

but in my opinion, "free" is much more difficult than "happy".

when you haven't eaten candy, giving you candy will make you happy. But if you eat too much, you will inevitably get bored, which will make you feel that "there is nothing delicious to eat".

and "freedom" is that after you have eaten a lot of sugar, a lot of salt, and even a lot of miscellaneous seasonings, you finally figure out how much sugar and how much salt you add to make up the "proportion". You'll never get tired of eating it.

of course, we will certainly make some more fine-tuning over time, but in general, that's it.

for me, this is freedom.

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in front of her, I don't need to be on my own. I don't have to make decisions and listen to her. And when she is with me, she doesn't have to hide her little hobby and can ask me to take a shower before I can sit on the sofa.