Let go of the past and give the future.

Let go of the past and give the future.

To encourage each other.

I always backfire, for example, after sending him a happy holiday, I have to add a few words of nonsense, as if I have to make people see that I can't hide my concern, which is not cool at all. Sure enough, he simply replied in two words: thank you.

I don't even have such a simple wish to wish you a happy holiday. Maybe he doesn't care so much about my happiness or not.

some people ask: why can all festivals in China be the same as Valentine's Day, and the words are all the same? It is probably only during the holidays that I finally have a chance to find an excuse to talk to the person I like.

when friends break up, they always want to persuade them not to be so sad, don't fight hard, don't force him if he doesn't come back, he doesn't deserve you at all. They all say so, and they all know the truth, but when it's their turn, they will follow the same path and make the same choice.

how many people have scolded themselves foolishly, how many people try to find a point that they don't love ta so much as to comfort themselves, and how many people brag and tell the world that they have forgotten to fall in love with someone else?

when you clench your teeth and make a decision, your teeth must be very painful.

when Rainy said that he was celebrating the festival, she received a message from him, but the gaudy typesetting and fonts were standard for mass posting, but she was still very happy and thought about it for a long time and replied to him. She laughed at herself for saying that she was so easily satisfied, and she was flattered that she had been placed in a dispensable position.

I remember when I met Rainy a long time ago, she asked me to help her with her feelings. At that time, she had just broken up for a month, and she was always thinking about him. Rainy asked me: how can I not love him?

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I will give him whatever he wants, and I care about what he likes. Even if he says he is in love with another girl today, I will bless him silently in my heart. This should be how aggrieved ah, can only bend down by his side to be a bystander, watching those familiar sweet words and tenderness permeated in another girl's smile.

Rainy said: I want to give myself an end, but I always feel that we are not over yet, so I always insist on it alone, and I don't know what I am holding on to.

letting your heart die is probably the most unsolvable problem in your relationship.

when I was browsing Weibo in the morning, I saw a message sent by a blogger who followed me, and I thought it was very reasonable. She explained why Zhang ailing and Hu Lancheng had to pay Hu Lancheng a 300000 fee after they were separated:

"if one day you don't know how to put someone down, you think you still have room to love him, and you still think you can't find an excuse to leave him." Why are you afraid to pay more for him? After all, as long as you do something more, you can stop thinking and let yourself leave, then how can it be expensive for 300000 of your savings to buy a heart to die? "

cut off the way back to your feelings, leaving no room for missing, so even if the other person is cold, resistant, disgusted, but also lower his body to dig his heart, and finally become nothing, also do not love.

when we leave, we are always unreconciled, so we always embarrass ourselves, just like we have to try when we know something is not feasible. Throwing away his helmet and armor, bruised and bleeding, the last party left on the emotional battlefield finally raised the white flag and surrendered.

give yourself closure and use up all your enthusiasm;

when you no longer have something to expect, you can probably stop loving.

take this opportunity to encourage

I hope we can all let go of the past and give the future.

when it comes to emotions, can you still want to see

"I like gentle people so much."

I want to fall in love.

Don't get married before the age of 30

passive people fall in love.

you used to be nice to me.