Long-term love is always easy to be disappointed.

Long-term love is always easy to be disappointed.

I do not believe that you will not wake up, perhaps only in the dream, have the opportunity to talk about the years of quiet self-relief.


the cause is a complaint from my girlfriend on moments, accompanied by a chat transcript in the ninth house format, which publicly reveals the grievances suffered in the previous relationship: the ex-boyfriend was silent and flirting with other girls at the same time.

the words and words with the pictures are chiseled, skillfully using all kinds of rhetoric to describe the image of the scum man, and the rich exclamation points show the excitement of the poster, which sums up the only central idea that I am going to break up.

I slipped this state silently and rolled a small s-shaped white eye in my heart.


this is the nth time that she has announced her breakup in her moments. Each time she can list bloody crimes with irrefutable evidence, and each time she trumpets her determination to break up. Each time, a large number of sympathetic girl girlfriends express their support in the following likes and comments.

after Dabo onlookers and I sent her the nth-1st praise and watched another circle of friends with the same theme, the same goal and almost the same goal in a few days, I decided that I no longer cared about her life or death in an emotional stranger.

how can I wake someone who pretends to be asleep?


would rather be drunk to death in a dream, choose to lose soldiers and remove armour in repeated injuries, and keep several dry excuses to comfort.

there are such people who hold on to the pieces in their hands and watch helplessly that they are already dying on the other side.

he said, just hold on to the pieces like this. As long as you don't drop the pieces, you won't lose.

this is a story around me.

A girl's boyfriend had domestic violence, and the girl cried and told her best friend, who persuaded her for a long time and let the girl break up ruthlessly. Anyway, it is not difficult to find another young and beautiful girl. There is a best friend sitting, the girl also has the strength to break up, but also not afraid to look at the scum man's face, a Wechat directly blackened.

this is supposed to be a happy ending for a family and everything.

A few days later, my best friend found herself blocked.

A best friend full of black lines asked a mutual friend to inquire about the situation, and only then did she know that the girl and her boyfriend had made up. The boyfriend felt that her best friend was the culprit that prompted them to break up. In his original words, "your friend is not good at others, and his heart is extremely narrow-minded!"

on the other hand, the girl seems to have completely forgotten that the reason for the breakup was the emotional discord caused by the boy's domestic violence and felt that it was really at the instigation of his best friend.



A bullet was fired from the other person's barrel and hit you straight in the heart. You took a band-aid out of your bag, glued it to the exposed wound and stopped the bleeding.

looks like nothing.

I asked the best friend who was blocked why they made up later.

the best friend said with a black face, who knows.

Why did you get back together again?

is reluctant to give up, is reluctant to let go, is not reconciled, or there are really some secrets that we outsiders do not know, they are like flags proudly floating over a rational wreckage, proclaiming another emotional victory in a high profile.

 among Huang Tingjian's seven miscellaneous poems, there is an obstinate sentence:

after all, several people really have deer, but they don't know that their dreams are fish all day long.

Varied with the smallest details,our cheap ivory wedding dresses are your indispensable items. Have a look at our smooth textile collection now!

means that everyone wants what they want, but does not know that they live in delusions all day long.

long-term love is always easy to be disappointed, and there are not many happy endings.

I don't believe you won't wake up. Maybe it's only in your dreams that you have a chance to talk about years of quiet self-relief.

since you are willing to pretend to sleep.

then I won't wake you up.