Look at the exhibition notes: in fact, the most beautiful is the people.

Look at the exhibition notes: in fact, the most beautiful is the people.

Inside and outside the picture, the best-looking person is still the person.

outside the picture, the most beautiful person is still the person.

because of my major, I often need to see different exhibitions in Didu. Some are purely hobbies, some are forced by majors, and some are with relatives and friends. There are most art exhibitions here, followed by museums. When it comes to "often", it's not very frequent, about two or three times a week, and often the same show two or three times. The route is often a three-point one-line model: "China gallery-School-798 galleries". Liulichang also often goes to Liulichang, but mainly to see if there is a new Taiwan version of the Japanese album or the printed collection that has just come out of the pot, and then stop by the Chenxiang Hall of Rong Baozhai to smell the fragrance, take a look at the shafts of Shen Yin Mo and Wu Changshuo, and then go to Anbang Pizhuang to buy a few little wolves, and then go to Huimo Xuan to cut a few pieces of rice paper. then the Chinese bookstore and Yifeng line-binding bookstore touched two ancient book pages. With this whole set of work, I can board my bike and roll back to Zhongguancun Street.

of course, visiting Liulichang is not an exhibition. I fantasize about myself as those declining buddies who smoked in the eight hutongs during the period of the Republic of China or Peiping. In another sense, I am "walking in the kiln." a "kiln" that gathers the beauty of old Beijing and Chinese tradition.

good things are always breathtaking. After watching the exhibition several times, I suddenly want to divide the breathtaking degree of the world into three kinds: beautiful, beautiful, and beautiful. Beautiful and easy to get, hot sunflowers in summer, drumbeat rumbling night rain, all have a clear and strong outline. Using water to brighten up, repeatedly dizzy dye and look good, just like premeditated to pass by a cloud, disturbing a pool of autumn water to swim in my heart for a night. What about beauty? She is too difficult to define. Beauty probably means beauty.

A loving father and daughter

Select high school formal dresses to mirror your unique sense of innovative fashion. This is your one stop place for the perfect collection.

to define this feeling of "beauty", I swallowed it sharply from the beginning to the "grab" of eating. It is the "grab" of beauty, an ideal state of deep excavation of works, which is targeted and often in the potential of attack. I am trying to cultivate an active sense, rather than a passive sensitivity to the work. Try to learn to sum up them like historical critics, and also try to fantasize about the artist's feelings and emotions. Of course, this idea and state are only applicable to their favorite art exhibitions, each time is a sound learning and experience. I have always thought that watching the exhibition is mainly a process of immersion rather than a process of understanding, a process in which "how" is greater than "what" and "why". Of course, this may be my understanding of the artist's way to see the exhibition, there must be a lot of defects. But I have always believed that most of the works of art in the exhibition (such as paintings) are "female". Forgive me for defining "them" directly as "they". They are women and need to be appreciated, valued, felt, loved, even unconditionally loved. This is more important than being understood.

for example, if you like a girl, just like her, why ask so many questions about why? For example, if the girl you like asks you to buy a bag, just buy it for her.

Yes, when work is hung on the wall, she has vitality in the light and has the same rules of operation as a galaxy. Some people begin to worship, others fantasize about controlling. In the face of art, we are as humble as we are wild.

We are as humble as we are in front of art.

after watching too many art exhibitions, especially art majors, they may be able to pick up whether a picture is good or not. Maravich said that the painting is dead. The form of painting so far, if we continue to explore, is indeed very difficult. In these only types and forms of painting to identify whether a painting is beautiful and interesting, the absolute value of difficulty will become lower, or even read too much, you will think that beauty is no longer important, interesting, eye-catching things are more important than beauty. There is also the truth that "there are too many good-looking skins and too few interesting souls" in painting.

not only does something good happen in the gallery, but some scenes are also very cruel

but I believe that fun is also a kind of beauty. Some interesting stories often happen in galleries. Like some beautiful encounters. I found that in the crowd watching the gallery exhibition, most of the boys and girls were dressed appropriately and elegantly. They often encounter chat-up scenes, and I guess they probably think that they are all art lovers anyway, and it probably won't be so bad, and it doesn't matter if they are dating. There is also a family of three to see the exhibition or a pair of gay friends to see, I often admire, the gallery as a warm and gentle secular sanctuary.

A lady is explaining to her daughter that Zeng Fanzhi

her mother is happy, so she ignores her son

. She is often moved by some scenes, and sometimes even imagines her art education for future generations. In the gallery, I often see some elegant women in their thirties who smell like young women, seriously explaining to their children. Women in their thirties, ah, like autumn in Beijing, the most beautiful season in the world, bright and warm, begin to condense attractive fruits filled with hearts. I often fantasize that I have grown up and have such an elegant and decent wife who yearns for art and a better life. I often stop not far away from them to guess their lives, just like the writing class of film and television literature major in the Department of Chinese Opera Literature-squatting at the railway station to observe the crowd.

I prefer the people who watch the exhibition to the painting itself, which is immoral compared to Hinpoka's "I prefer the absurdity of writing poetry to the absurdity of not writing poetry". I have also been secretly photographed, and I am a lawyer from the Shanghai Hengde Law firm. That day, wearing a tracksuit and carrying a huge Archaeopteryx waterproof bag on my bike, I set out from school to buy some camellia paper at the hundred Flowers Art Store opposite the Chinese gallery. Art Gallery. After a quick scan of the exhibition halls on the first floor, I stopped in front of a group of paintings I was interested in to take pictures. When I finished taking the picture and was about to leave, a gentleman patted me on the back and called me. He took his iPhone and showed me the back he had just photographed. I can see that he is very happy to capture this scene of me taking a picture.

the back captured by that gentleman

"undefined time"

"I think this picture is" undefined time "because your back is more complete."

his secret photoshoot didn't bring me any displeasure. I saw him in a decent and textured suit, as well as my favorite glasses of the same brand I wore. I suddenly felt as if the scene had come out of a book. I remember. It's the beginning of Duras's Lover.

I am old. One day in a public hall, a man came up to me. He introduced himself, and he said to me, "I know you and I will always remember you." At that time, you were very young, and everyone said you were beautiful. Now, I have come to tell you that for me, you are more beautiful now than when you were young when you were a young woman. I love your battered face more than your face at that time. "

when I think of this, I suddenly feel a little excited, as if I am already a world-class painter and have been recognized in public. I would even like to believe that this is a real montage flashback.

so I asked him for a picture, but I couldn't connect with Bluetooth, so I added Wechat as a friend and sent it over. The two didn't say a few words. his circle of friends is full of professional posts about the law. He should also have read my circle of friends, which is full of pictures and poems about his sightseeing. The style of poetry can probably be summarized as "this place is a good place", "this girl is really beautiful" and so on. He may have seen my vulgarity, and after a few minutes, I looked at his circle of friends and he had deleted my friends.

I turned around, went back to the exhibition hall of the group of paintings, sat down, and found him sitting right next to me. We looked at the group of "undefined time" together silently.

it may be a long time to wait for the other person to talk to him first. The two big men sat side by side on a bench, and neither of them opened his mouth. I was so embarrassed.

"call divine escort!"

I shouted in my heart. A silver buck galloped and knocked him away. Then the deer stopped next to me.

it's so beautiful. I looked at it carefully and sat it down. It licked my ears and was intimate with me. But until it disappeared, the deer did not look at the group of paintings.

I have some regrets. I've been guessing the lawyer's definition of "integrity". Is the completeness he said completely in logic or painting? I don't know.

all I know is the feeling that touches me and makes my heartbeat for a long time. I looked back at the group of paintings. She was silent, calm, and aloof. I also thought of the scene when the gentleman accosted me, the wonderful conversation between us, and the rich associations and even creative impulses brought to him by my back-- because I was excited to press the shutter for a moment-- and I slowly opened a spark in my heart.

I began to laugh. Yes, outside the painting, the best-looking person should be the person.