Looking back at the postgraduate entrance examination-the second and third feelings of people who have experienced it.

Looking back at the postgraduate entrance examination-the second and third feelings of people who have experienced it.

I wish all the people on the way to the postgraduate entrance examination and those on the way to graduate school find themselves, find their way, and find happiness.

I wish all the people on the way to take the postgraduate entrance examination and those on the way to graduate school find themselves, find their way, and find happiness.

February 15, 2017, also during the Lunar New year, the first test results were announced. Two years have passed since I took the postgraduate entrance examination that year, and I, as an experienced person, have only just felt my postgraduate career for a year and a half.

this year, there are still friends and classmates preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination in various states, working or simply resigning. There are a lot of people who have been taking the exam for two or three years in a row. I am not saying that this is wrong. On the contrary, I am curious and admire what they think.

I believe that in the minds of most people who take the postgraduate entrance examination, the postgraduate entrance examination is just to temper themselves better and pursue a better life.

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there is no doubt that the success of the postgraduate entrance examination affects a person's self-confidence

(the picture is taken from the guitar master Tommy Emmanuel's speech at TED)

therefore, even after the high expectations and attention of the first year, there are still many people secretly happy or lost.

I have a habit of setting up a notebook to record relevant information when I plan to do something, mainly because of the psychological changes in this process. This is the first page of the notebook for the postgraduate entrance examination that year. (the author's picture, embezzlement and investigation rights)

to become a person who is still enjoying himself on campus in the eyes of others, his mood is not as firm and bright as he imagined. There are some feelings to share.

1. The postgraduate entrance examination is your own choice, and you should be responsible for it in the future. There must be a gap between the simple pressure on the campus, the less money earned, the less learning of life, and the experience of failure.

never follow the crowd! Never be so vain!

and graduate status is unlikely to give you a guarantee of finding a good job, whether it is worth thinking about for the postgraduate entrance examination.

figure out what you want in the here and now and shortly.

but it is not advisable to think too far, because people can also change.

2. The postgraduate entrance examination is not a necessary process of life. Personal experience is more important. After reading the research, you will find that the people around you who shine undoubtedly have a full life.

3. Is what you have learned is still what you love? Maybe you are studying what you thought you were interested in, and you may even feel the heat brought to you by this major in some moments.

in reality, it has become a big trend for graduate students to change careers. The hardships and loneliness behind chicken soup are hard to bear, and sometimes they lack the courage to go on for the rest of their lives.

4. How on earth are you going to spend your postgraduate period? Most people say reading, traveling, learning skills, making friends, finding a good job. When these things are only done during graduate school, it means that your life will begin to go downhill after graduation. shouldn't these things be the norm in life?

one more thing, we may never be confused when we are undergraduates, but we may be so confused that we will soon become philosophers after graduate school.

it's like, we may be satisfied when we are a frog at the bottom of the sea, but once we jump into the outside world, we will find something we can't change. The gap between congenital and multi-year reserves is a bucket of ruthless ice water, which completely confuses us.

what's more, most schools will only let you down.

if someone wants to ask me, what is a perfect reason for taking the postgraduate entrance examination? I'd like to answer like this: if you have a reason to go to graduate school, don't hesitate. For example, if you want to know the cutting edge of a subdiscipline, and only graduate school can satisfy you, then graduate school is not a burden, vanity, or at least no regret.

finally, I wish all the people on the way to take the postgraduate entrance examination and those on the way to graduate school find themselves, find their way, and find happiness.

those who keep warm with each other must not be sincere

born lonely