People live to the extreme, is a vegetarian heart

People live to the extreme, is a vegetarian heart

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

in Craigen Tan, there is a saying:

what is the vegetarian heart?

means to have a simple, pure and sincere heart.

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A person's life is, in the final analysis, a spiritual practice.

only by cultivating a vegetarian heart can we achieve real peace of mind, resist all kinds of hardships of life, be indifferent to human beings, and deal with the world calmly.


people, the more simple they are, the nobler they are.

what exactly do people ask for in this life?

some people say that they want to be rich and rich in life; some people say that they just want life to go smoothly.

but, a prosperous life, a life of ups and downs, everything is just fleeting.

living calmly, indifferent and simple, and being able to enjoy the joy of life is the highest state of life.

I still remember that Lin Qingxuan shared a little thing in his book.

he has a habit of going to the florist to buy a bunch of flowers every once in a while.

once, the florist recommended he buy a bunch of white flowers: "all white flowers are fragrant, but it's a pity that people think they are too plain; most people like to buy flowers with bright colors, but they often have no fragrance."

after listening to the florist's words, Lin Qingxuan could not help sighing: "people are the same. The more simple and simple people are, the more fragrant they are."

the nobility of man does not lie in the eminence of status or wealth, but the stillness and indifference of the soul.

do not fight, do not rob, do not be arrogant or impetuous, and always keep an insipid heart to life, so that you can stay away from the hustle and bustle and feel the peace of life.

Zhuangzi said, "it is simple and the world cannot compete with it for beauty."

the pursuit of the second half of life is nothing more than simplicity and simplicity.

as Jia Pingwa said:

people can have a comfortable and comfortable life without showing their edge, showing no publicity, and not panicking.


the heart is simple, life is simple

I wrote a passage in "Minimalist Life: living in simplicity and Beauty", and I felt quite deeply:

if the heart is not pure, life will be complicated; when life is complicated, people will be delusional.

so vicious, life is easy to fall into a quagmire, unable to extricate themselves.

only by emptying your heart and making it simple and pure, can life become more and more comfortable.

once there was a young man who longed to be a powerful professor in a big city.

however, he was unfortunately assigned to teach in a rural primary school far from home.

because he is far away from his family and his work is not going well, his mood has been in a depressed period for a long time.

one day, he picked up an abandoned iron basin at the school gate, which was rusty and shabby.

but unexpectedly, after the erosion of heavy rain, the small iron basin became clean, and the Rain Water in the basin could see the bottom.

he was suddenly surprised that a shabby little iron basin was of such great use.

since then, he has changed his attitude towards life, leaving his heart empty, no longer complaining, no longer depressed, but conscientiously concentrating on one thing: to teach the children well.

A few years later, because of his excellent performance, the young man was sent to teach in a primary school in the city and led a full and meaningful life.

as the saying goes, life is happy because it is simple. A high-quality life does not move towards complexity but returns to simplicity.

the heart is simple, life is simple.


people live to the extreme because the vegetarian heart

once heard a very beautiful saying:

one day, one city and one pool, in every ordinary life, in every calm smile. " The main road to Jane, three thousand prosperous, and finally a "vegetarian" word.

only then do you know that you don't need to be too impatient, return to simplicity, be safe and steady, and better understand the true meaning of life; life does not need to be too complex, return to simple, insipid, and better enjoy the beauty of life.

Einstein, a famous physicist, once gave up his high salary for giving a speech to teach math to a little girl.

even if the final reward is only a handful of candy, Einstein is still very satisfied.

people are always busy trying to satisfy their desires all their lives.

in the pursuit of fame and fortune, we often encounter setbacks and troughs and feel bitterness and pain.

keep an indifference, cultivate a vegetarian heart, and have an optimistic and open-minded state of mind.

only in this way can we take the road to a smooth and fulfilling life.

there is a good saying:

when people live to the extreme, they should cultivate a vegetarian heart.