The sentence is very short and the truth is deep (incisive)

The sentence is very short and the truth is deep (incisive)

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

the wisdom of the older generation tells us: "A man should not be good, a dog should not be full; a man cannot be complete, and a melon cannot be round."

everything has its own law of development, and everything should pay attention to a "degree" in order to be in a healthy and comfortable state.

there is no perfect life in the world. People can't get everything. Only what they have is the most precious.

the simplest happiness comes from moderation; the purest happiness comes from contentment.

when I understand this old saying, I understand my whole life.


people should not be good, and dogs should not be full.

it is said in the Book of changes: when the sun is in the middle, the moon is full, and the moon is full.

to the effect that the sun begins to tilt westward after noon, while the moon begins to lose money at its fullest point.

this is the truth of being a human being. there is no absolute fairness and equality in the world, and there is no so-called heart-to-heart comparison between people.

Don't be too nice to a person, it's better to get along with each other.

I have read such a story, which is very thought-provoking:

the staff is old, and it is time to choose a successor, because the three sons are so excellent that they are unable to make a choice.

so he went to consult the Zen master, who promised to choose the most suitable son to be the heir.

he asked his three sons to talk about a good deed he had done.

the eldest son told the story that he had given ten taels of silver to a beggar who had not eaten for several days.

the second son felt that he had seen businessmen and customers fighting in the street because of shortages. In order to stop the quarrel, he gave his money to customers, which is a great good deed.

but what the third son said was that he rescued his father's sworn enemy from the burning home and asked him for ten taels of silver.

after listening to the answers of the three sons, the Zen master complained that the third son was the most suitable, and the staff was very confused.

the Zen master said:

"the man in danger is your sworn enemy, and he does not abandon it.

after saving the man, he asked for money because he did not want others to owe him favors.

this is very appropriate. "

the outsider handed over the family business to the third son, and as a result, as the Zen master said, the family business became more and more prosperous.

Ban Gu, a historian of the Eastern Han Dynasty, wrote in Han Shu: "if you are too rigid, you will fold, and if you are too soft, you will be useless."

this is the truth. If you are too hard, you will break easily, and if you are too weak, you will get rid of it.

get along with others, to grasp the degree of strength and softness, do not sit idly by, not too kind, good kindness, should have an edge.

as the saying goes, "drink six percent drunk and eat seven percent full. Never be too kind to a person."

giving regardless of cost and reward is easy to be despised, while an indifferent and indifferent attitude can make people feel indifferent.

intercourse is a fate, help is a kind of friendship.

Don't get too close between people.

the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and only by keeping a good degree can the friendship be maintained forever.


people are not all, melons are not round

there is a saying in Cai Gentan: "those who are satisfied are in Wonderland, and those who are not satisfied are in the ordinary."

what is said is that in the face of the world in front of them, contented people will feel that everything is beautiful in Wonderland, but those who are not satisfied will feel that there is a crisis everywhere and that everything is mundane.

Master Hongyi, an eminent monk, understood life in his later years, integrated spiritual practice into life, and lived a life of ease.

one day, when my old friend Xia Xianzun came to visit, he saw that there was only a bowl of white rice and a small plate of pickles on the table.

the old friend was suddenly sad and asked Master Hong Yi, "isn't this pickle too salty?"

Master Hongyi replied calmly, "salty has a salty taste."

after lunch, Master Hongyi poured a glass of boiled water to quench his thirst and drank it slowly, looking contented.

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the old friend thought that Master Hongyi used to drink famous tea, so he asked, "is there no tea?" Why do you drink such plain boiled water? "

Master Hongyi smiled and replied, "although the boiled water is light, it also has a light taste."

Xia Jianzun is a good friend of Master Hongyi for many years. He knows what a noble life he once lived in Li Shutong's time. Now he sees through the world of mortals and enjoys a light meal. I can't help but admire him very much.

people often say that contentment is happiness, because only contentment can be worry-free; worry-free life is at ease.

Lin Yutang talks about happiness in life, there are no more than four things:

A simple and ordinary day is the greatest happiness in life.

A thousand rooms in Guangsha, sleep no more than seven feet; delicacies are delicious, and solar eclipses require only three meals.

when a person begins to understand contentment, he learns to let go and stop pursuing things that are illusory and tiring.

for decades of life, all fame and fortune gains and losses are fleeting, life does not bring, death does not take away, only to grasp this small world in front of us, is the most practical.

Mr. Yang Jiang once said:

"We were so eager for the waves of fate that at last we found that the most beautiful scenery in life was inner calmness and calmness.

We were so eager for the recognition of the outside world that we finally knew that the world was our own and had nothing to do with others."

there is no standard for happiness. Everyone has his own life, and knowing how to be contented is happiness.


Don't say all the words.Never do anything, leave space for others at the same time, but also leave room for yourself, convenient with others, you will be convenient.

as the saying goes, there is a ruler in being a man, the mistake lies in the degree of error, the bad lies in excessive, and the good thing lies in moderation.

Don't easily give up your bottom line, don't lose your conscience, and ask for "no regrets" for everything.

treat others as seven points, set aside a proper distance; speak with a yardstick, and don't joke too much.

there is a degree in life, a ruler in life, and a good grasp of the word "yardstick". Only those who have a bottom line can calmly deal with all kinds of relationships.

can we not only be reasonable, but also know well and properly, so that we can really master the "degree" among them.

those who are contented are happy when they are poor and humble, while those who are not satisfied are also worried about their wealth.

Life never lacks a moment of happiness, what is missing is a state of mind to feel happiness.

less complaining, more gratitude, no compulsion, no jealousy, no greed, the state of mind will naturally be much easier.

Life is full of flavors, and there will naturally be defective parts. Everyone has expectations for life. Don't define your life by the standards of others.

you can have a happy life only if you are satisfied, enjoy yourself, know the word "contentment" and be relieved of all that life gives.

you have to give up in life. Contentment is not to be content with the status quo, but to look at the imperfections in life with tolerance.

be a grateful and contented person, so that you can live up to the richness of life.

"A man should not be good, a dog should not be full; if a man is not whole, a melon cannot be round."

how much do you understand the wisdom of our ancestors?