To the 25-year-old.

To the 25-year-old.

25 years old, a new beginning.

you should have sung a few songs that day and drank up a table of wine that was enough to challenge your sobriety. Then the moment you blow out the candle, you still don't seem ready,  but this is the twenty-fifth year of your life.

you have never felt that this age can be said to be getting older day by day. You just sigh that you should always start learning how to be an adult. But it is not easy to be an adult, and you will lose a lot of rights, such as in those moments when it is difficult for you to make up your mind, even if you can still fall into someone's arms and lose your temper, but these can no longer solve any problems.

problems, problems, The trouble is a little bit more trouble, but the good news is that you also have more rights of your own choice.

I don't know what other people are like. You always say that you are becoming more and more vulnerable. In the TV series, when the heroine silently turns around, your eyes turn red. In the news, a child lying in the operating room waving his fist to and fist makes you burst into tears. Your parents' anxiety about not using a certain software function seems to be even more reason for you to be sad. You are more afraid of pain than before, afraid of death, afraid of disease, afraid of a long time can not slow down the deep breath, you do not know where the brave one has gone, so when this birthday is approaching, you still seem to have some hesitation. Perhaps you will feel lost, in the face of that day after day of loss, worried about losing the ability to jump.

I can't say anything to encourage you, so I can only say to the 25-year-old you after a few months, be good, don't be afraid vulnerability is also soft, for example, you finally understand the anger that can never be dispelled before. For example, you start to accept that there is always a shadow on the other side of the mountain that you can't see. Meeting each other is rare enough, how can you have the heart to ask that no one or anything is short of you? Hey, you see, this is one of the pieces of evidence that you are getting stronger and softer in the face of your frailty.

sing "in order not to cry and laugh loudly" in the song, so your innocence is much more difficult than your maturity. Especially now that you should have the mature ability.

you expect everything around you to be handled naively, but everything around you can't wait for you to refuse to mature, and those calm gestures have long been impatient to climb into your eyebrows. Sometimes you don't realize that you don't seem to be trembling anymore, but there are more moments when you have a plan and can handle it. Standing in front of conflicts and contradictions, you can be calm enough to be on your own. You are not the little girl who only dared to hide behind her elders in a hurry.

but your love is different, irrational, unwilling to compromise, impulsive, regardless of the consequences, which are more and more like what you looked like when you were a teenager. You refuse to love calmly, as you said to that person, if I am willing to treat you calmly, it is also a kind of cruelty.

you said that the older some people are, the less affectionate they are, the smaller the compactness, the greater the inertia, the lower the concentration, the lower the ranking. This is a thing that one cannot tell whether it is good or bad. Or maybe this is not a thing that can be divided by the good and the bad, just the same and different states, change and balance.

but you happen to be a person who is not heroic enough and not content with the hot Kang under the lamp. You yearn for the scorching sun to misbehave in the sky, you wait for romance and snow to sweep your heart, you roll through the world of mortals, and you have been to the end of the world. Your most unstoppable ambition can not be separated from the word of love.

it seems too stingy to say it, but it is just questions about whether to love, how long to love, how to love, and how not to love, but these questions are enough for you to explore for a day or a lifetime.

everyone looks down on those who only lust for power, but you are no different, you are only willing to lust for love, which is not a pity or anger, no matter which one is coveted, you are bound to be deceived. When you are bullied by your lover in love, you can't cry, just like when you are bullied and aggrieved in the workplace. Although it is not enough to guide life, it often gives people a variety of perspectives to know themselves. Time and events are changing now and then to enlighten you. If you have seen it, you will not be so surprised next time.

I understand that you have endless love, so even at the age of 25 when others want to start a career and make money, you still put love at the top of the list. Whether it's the love of relatives, friends, or love, you have to love all the time.

although it is not said to be bigger than the sky, how great it is. But you hope that you, ah, hope that you can always feel in your heart that it is not easy for people to fall in love with each other, which is asking for trouble.

now, you still care about this difficult feeling, even more than some other things. This feeling is extremely important to you. And as you get older, whether you still care about the feeling that it's not easy is extremely important to you.

well, if you like the sex when you are in love taste, then may you be trapped by love no matter how old you are, may you always be willing to fight for someone, and never taste enough of the intoxicating taste of this gentle village. You said that love is not to have a full stomach, but to have a good time. But I think you should pay attention to eating pictures, just like someone always tells you, don't chirp when you eat.  as for those dishes that you can't eat, you can think about them, but you can't snatch them from other people's bowls, and you can't say that the food is bad just because you can't eat it. There is no shame in missing the mouthful of what you want to eat. If you miss the target this time, it will be more accurate next time.

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you are a 25-year-old girl with an unconvinced look on her face. You all say you should not cry on your birthday, but I hope you can cry hard and enjoy yourself when that day comes. At an age when you can cry loudly and ignore it, you must cry sadder than anyone else.

then wake up the next day to put on a mask, put on makeup, put on a beautiful dress, and go to every unforeseen encounter.

Hey, problem girl, a new day is coming. Good luck.