Walking, I understand.

Walking, I understand.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.


I don't know if you've ever had a time like this when you suddenly want to leave everything and go. Maybe it's because the sun is right, it's good for wasting time, maybe it's made unpleasant by trivial troubles, and you want to be alone.

A person rides a bike to the beach, or walks aimlessly, playing beautiful melodies in his headphones, looking at the expressions of people around him, and guessing their experiences today.

in such a casual state, my mood will calm down a little bit, and I will suddenly find that many people I meet in life are dispensable, and many things that happen are actually indifferent. I will suddenly understand that a lot of things are really not that important.

in fact, life is such a journey, not long or short, but it has nothing to do with others, only you can decide your own direction.

We are all the same. When we walk on this one-way bus, we see through a lot of people, understand a lot of things, learn to reconcile with ourselves, and cherish it.

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walking, more and more understand the reality of helplessness.

I used to think that as long as I worked hard, there was nothing I couldn't get. I traded people for hearts and could always be treated by true feelings, but now I have to admit that it's too normal not to get it, and it's lucky to get it.

whether we love but not love, it doesn't matter whether things go against our wishes, this is what we have to go through.

now that it has happened, just accept it calmly. It doesn't matter. It is also a rare growth to learn from a lesson.

remember to tell yourself not to be so stupid, some people don't know how to take care of you, then put it down early, don't wait until you end up black and blue and even lose yourself.

I have met so many people in my life, but there are really few people who can take you to heart and care about your joys and sorrows.

there is no need to try to please everyone, cherish those who are worth cherishing, and love those who love you as well.


walking, slowly learned to be in no hurry, calm and magnanimous.

when I encountered unhappy things in the past, I always wanted to talk to someone, complaining about my grievances and complaining about why I was always unlucky, which seemed to relieve me of my anguish; now I prefer to be alone, especially when I am bored. I don't want to talk and don't want to disturb others.

because you understand that life is like walking, you will inevitably encounter potholes. It is not impossible to cry after a fall, but it is better to stand up and pat the dirt and continue to stride forward.

I have traveled a lot, seen many people, heard a lot of things, and become more and more able to face a lot of things with strength and courage, and understand more and more that things in the world are small things except life and death.

I'm lucky to lose my life, so when I think about it, I won't compete with myself, just try my best.

instead of having a sad face, it is better to take your time, take your time, carry it with a smile.


walking, no longer longing for noise, just be sincere.

in the past, I was very concerned about the attitude of my friends and the coming and going of people around me. I always wanted to make everyone like me, always wanted to do better and make others satisfied, but now I don't have the idea of trying to maintain a relationship.

if you come, I'll pick you up, and if you want to go, you can go. I'll pretend you haven't been here. There's still a long way to go. Take care of each other.

the older you get, the more you will find a somewhat frustrating truth: few people understand you, few people want to be with you, and few people can stay with you for a long time.

as a result, I no longer expect groups of friends as I did when I was young, no longer longing for noise, but cherish every sincere and honest person in a small circle.

whether friends or lovers, to meet is a great fate, break up do not entangle, remember to accompany, cherish.


Life is like a journey. The most wonderful thing is not how many people we meet and how many new scenery we see in the process, but how we walk, and we will constantly re-recognize ourselves and slowly find inner truth and peace.

walking, I understand that no one is always strong and invincible, and people will be fragile. They can lay down their guard in front of those who understand you and can save up the courage to move on.

Walking, I understand that there are really not many people and things worthy of your attention. Don't get entangled with bad people and things, let alone waste your time and energy. No one can defeat anyone and himself. It's great.

walking, I understand that people should not be obsessed with fame and wealth, wait for no one, accompany their children's growth, accompany their parents, accompany the laughter of their relatives and friends, and accompany their own growth. It is far more important than the secular definition of success;

walking, I understand that, as Mr. Yang Jiang said, the world belongs to itself and has nothing to do with others. In the final analysis, people still live for themselves.

therefore, instead of wronging yourself, it is better to live as yourself, spend the rest of your life with whoever you are happy with and who you are comfortable with.

there are no insurmountable hurdles in life, and there are no people who can't let go. We will slowly climb to the peak of happiness from the trough of unhappiness.

more importantly, in this process, we should cultivate a strong heart, free time, not panic.

in the past, we all worked hard to live into a certain state, adding to ourselves bit by bit, but now it's time to subtract for ourselves.

people are different, living the way they want most to live up to this life.

May we all be better ourselves, live the life we want, and encourage each other for the rest of our lives.