Westerners' understanding of Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan immediately felt that Lingtai was clear and clear.

Westerners' understanding of Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan immediately felt that Lingtai was clear and clear.

Cao Cao is the most powerful monarch of the three Kingdoms. His nickname is "the Giant Bird whose gender is male". Liu Bei is not a homosexual as some people say, but he does care more about men than women. Pang Tong's nickname is "Young pheasant with gorgeous feathers". Zhuge Liang also has a nickname, and it is more intimidating than Pang Tong's nickname, "Dinosaur lurking in the three Kingdoms".

[Cao Cao]

Cao Cao is the most powerful monarch of the Three Kingdoms. His nickname is "the male Giant Bird" (the great hero). He is similar to Napoleon and maybe stronger. He eventually ruled more than 1/2 of Chinese territory and had the opportunity to occupy another 1/2. People are often impressed by the charm and ambition of the giant bird and are frightened by his moody personality. His enemies even called him "the Nero of the East" (Nero was an ancient Roman tyrant, which foreign translators might find easier to understand).

the Chinese say: when you are three years old, you determine your achievements at the age of 80. When Cao Cao was three years old, he often succeeded in deceiving adults, so his parents gave him the nickname "Little deception" (A concealment, meaning "concealment"). After growing up, Cao Cao was nicknamed "cheating male" (adulterous male) because of his superb deception. Pity the hearts of his parents all over the world. Cao Cao's parents gave him another nickname "good luck" (Geely). History has proved that Cao Cao is indeed very lucky all his life.

Cao Cao has one of his biggest hobbies. He likes to collect knights who are brave in "dueling" ("one-on-one"). His way of collecting is to defeat other monarchs, rob their women, rob knights by the way, and treat them like his own son. He even robbed Guan Yu of Shu, but everyone had his own will, and Guan Yu was not reconciled to being Cao Cao's son.

Cao Cao has five knights, known as "five excellent generals as loyal as sons" (five good generals). Their names are Zhang Liao, Zhang Kuang, Xu Huang, Yu ban, and Levin. Among them, Zhang Liao stole from a small lord Lv Bu, Zhang Xiao from a great monarch Yuan Shao, Xu Huang from a warlord Yang Feng, and Yu banned from another warlord Bao Xin. The remaining one may have been cultivated by Cao Cao's "youth training camp"-but Cao Cao's "youth training camp" is like Real Madrid and Manchester United, which is inefficient, so Lejin is also a less outstanding son of the five. It is a custom to rob other people's knights to be their sons in the Three Kingdoms. Lv Bu, the most powerful knight, had been the son of three monarchs, so Zhang Fei called him "the servant of three fathers" (three family slaves). Thus it can be seen that Cao Cao robbed a knight to be a son only by custom, which can not be said to be very special.

what is special about Cao Cao: is he is a very powerful poet. He and his two sons are called "the three greatest poets surnamed Cao". Many of his poems have been handed down to this day, and what people see in his poems is an anti-war activist full of humanistic spirit-but this poet occasionally kills poetry critics, which has become a tradition in modern New York.

although Cao Cao's advantages and disadvantages are quite obvious, there are still many politicians and army chiefs of staff gathered under his commands, such as Xunyi, Guo Jia, Xunyou, Jia Shuo, and Cheng Yu. To be fair, Cao Cao is a charismatic leader and has great military talent. One of his achievements in the economic field was the organization of military farming (farming policy) that eventually helped him solve the deadly logistical problem. He also took the emperor as a hostage, so that other lords did not dare to act rashly because of concern for the safety of the emperor. After a long battle, his empire reached its limit, bigger than the kingdoms of Wu and Shu combined.

like the extremely expanded empire, Cao Cao's private life is also strongly aggressive. In addition to robbing other people's knights, Cao Cao also likes to rob other people's wives. Cao Cao himself forcibly had a one-night stand with the aunt of Zhang Xiu, a surrendering lord. As a result, an angry Zhang Xiu rebelled again and attacked Cao Cao's residence, resulting in the death of Dian Wei, a loyal guard commander of Cao Cao, and his nephew. After defeating the little lord Lv Bu, Cao Cao seized Zhang Liao, a powerful knight, but another knight under Lv Bu, Qin Yilu, Cao Cao took a fancy to his wife. This time, what infuriated Guan Yu, who also liked Mrs. Qin, finally chose to leave Cao Cao, rushed through five passes, and killed six guards.

the boss of the six generals, a one-eyed general, Xiahoudun, dueled with Guan Yu, but due to the arrival of the knight Zhang Liao, the duel ended without casualties. To make matters worse, Cao Cao even took an interest in Big Qiao and Xiao Qiao and launched a war of aggression against the State of Wu-just like the Menelaus who crusaded against Troy. Big Qiao was the concubine of the brother of Emperor Wu, while Xiao Qiao was Zhou Yu's beloved wife. Zhou Yu was the head coach of Wu in the famous "Battle of Chibi". It is entirely conceivable why Cao Cao suffered such a terrible defeat in the Battle of Chibi.

Cao Cao's son Cao Pi perfectly inherited this pedigree from his father. His wife was Zhen Fei, wife of the second son of Yuan Shao, the great monarch. Cao Pi took her as his booty after the battle between the great monarchs. However, this is not the end, because Cao Pi's younger brother Cao Zhi also has Cao Cao's genes, so he is also interested in his brother's wife and wrote obscure love poems to express his thoughts.

Cao Pi imprisoned Cao Zhi and ordered him to write a poem within seven steps, or he would die. Chinese poetry is very short, usually only four lines, so Cao Zhi escaped death by his ability. Thank God, at that time, the Chinese, especially Cao Pi, did not understand sonnets.

as one-on-one duels were popular during the Three Kingdoms period, it is very important to collect knights who are good at dueling. Although Cao Cao has "five excellent generals as loyal as sons", this is not all his wealth. Cao Cao's most important knights are all his brothers, such as Xia Houdun, the one-eyed general who dueled with Guan Yu, and Xiahou Yuan, the cousin of Xia Houdon. Of course, there are more important generals, Cao Ren, who is also surnamed Cao, and Cao Hong, Cao Ren's younger brother. Xiahou and Cao have the same surname, read faster is Cao, slow down is Xiahou. It was with his brother and son that Cao Cao got the biggest piece of cake among the three kingdoms.

[Liu Bei]

Liu Bei's race has always been a controversial topic. According to history books, his earlobe is so large that it can hang down to his shoulders, and the length of his arm can even touch his knee without bending over. It is conceivable that Garnett or Admiral Robinson of the NBA of the United States should be able to scrape through the latter, while the long earlobe can only see similar examples in some statues of the Indian Buddha as works of art. So it can be concluded that if Chinese historians are not deliberately exaggerating, then Liu Bei may be a big man of Indian descent who meets the NBA draft criteria, and has atavism because, from an anthropological point of view, modern humans can't have both.

Liu Bei's life experience is full of contradictions and mysteries. He claims to be a member of the royal family, but he comes from an ordinary handicraftsman. Genealogy can only prove that he has a very distant blood relationship with the royal family of the Han Dynasty. But this did not prevent Liu Bei from becoming an ambitious politician, who was good at communicating, energetic, and inspiring the masses with fanatical speeches, while his royal status provided allegiance to the remnants of the Han Dynasty royalists. So soon several powerful knights gathered under his command, including Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun.

Unfortunately, Liu Bei's poor military skills offset his achievements in interpersonal relations. He spent the first half of his life wandering between monarchs and small lords-including Cao Cao and Sun Quan-as if he were Napoleon on St. Helena: noble, respected, but with nothing.

this embarrassment lasted until the Battle of Chibi when Liu Bei got Zhuge Liang, the wisest prime minister in the Three Kingdoms period and even in Chinese history. The prime minister also had diversified talents such as the chief of military staff. Liu Bei's lack of planned military action was corrected in time. Zhuge Liang predicted the future strategic balance of power and worked out a plan to attack Sichuan accordingly. This time they were a great success.

Sichuan is the province of China's Great Earthquake. Probably because of the Earthquake at that time, Cao Cao did not pay much attention to this place. It is a pity that Liu Bei lost another chief of staff on a par with Zhuge Liang when attacking Sichuan. The man's name is Pang Tong, nicknamed "the young pheasant with gorgeous feathers". Because the Chinese like pheasants very much, Pang Tong is a talented person. Zhuge Liang also has a nickname, and it is more intimidating than Pang Tong's nickname, called "dinosaurs lurking in the Three Kingdoms." it is not clear why the Chinese in the era of the Three Kingdoms already knew about reptile dinosaurs in ancient times. but there is no doubt that this is a very scary nickname at that time.

when the Chinese comment on Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and another monarch, Sun Quan, they like to use the Right Timing, Right Place, Right people to describe their respective styles. Cao Cao is in the right place, Sun Quan is in the right place, and Liu Bei is recognized as a master of winning hearts and minds. His team is almost a collection of contemporary elites. Apart from Zhuge Liang, he also has Xu Shu and Pang Tong, whose IQ is on a par with Zhuge Liang, who are all the best candidates for army chiefs of staff.

in addition, Liu Bei has five knights who are very good at dueling, known as the "five Tigers General" (Five Tiger-like Generals), the first two knights Guan Yu and Zhang Fei founded a fraternity with Liu Bei from the very beginning, and another named Zhao Yun also joined Liu Bei's fraternity. The Brotherhood is an ancient Chinese tradition in which any number of people can join through the ceremony of "sworn worship" and swear eternal loyalty to other members. Although this relationship is not legally recognized, it can be recognized by the vast majority of the people.

the first four members of the five Tigers are undisputed. Apart from Guan Zhang Zhao, Ma Chao is also a knight who is good at dueling and almost killed Cao Cao. But some friends insist that the fifth member is Wei Yan rather than Huang Zhong. They claim that Huang Zhong is too old to be a duel instructor. He may also be very good at hidden weapons such as bows and arrows, but he is not fit to be a member of the Five Tigers. He repeatedly checked the data and consulted several unrelated Chinese people. they agreed that Huang Zhongcai was the fifth member and that Wei Yan was just an ambitious war maniac.

Liu Bei is not a homosexual as some people say, which is a widespread misunderstanding, but he does care more about men than women. Liu Bei and Cao Cao behave differently: when Cao Cao shows extraordinary interest in women, especially other people's wives, Liu Bei rarely cares about his wife. He has three wives, one of whom is the sister of Sun Quan, the emperor of Wu. But every time Liu Bei was defeated and fled, he left his wife behind and retreated strategically until the chivalrous enemy returned them to Liu Bei.

when his third wife, Sun Quan's sister Sun Shangxiang, tried to escape to the State of Wu, he simply asked for his son to be left behind and let his wife elope; even in some cases, his son doesn't seem so important. During the retreat in Changbanpo, Zhao Yun rescued his son Liu Chan back to the base camp, but Liu Bei threw the innocent baby to the ground, saying it was not worth the life of my knight.

in contrast to Liu Bei's indifferent attitude to his wife and son, he is very concerned about his brother. when his brother Guan Yu was killed by Wu, who betrayed the alliance, his reaction was furious, and the "lurking dinosaur" could not convince him. He did not hesitate to mobilize all the forces of Shu to punish Wu, a disastrous decision that wiped out all the elite troops of Shu. Incidentally, three of the five Tigers died in this incident.

the monarch became a philosopher before he died, saying a lot of philosophical things, but not a word about his failure. Zhuge Liang, the "latent dinosaur", served as regent and maintained this disaster-prone country. Forty years later.

[Sun Quan]

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there are not many topics worth mentioning about this monarch, who is on a par with Cao Cao and Liu Bei. While Cao Cao and Liu Bei are fighting for their respective goals, Sun Quan seems to be fooling the around-the State of Wu is the property of his father and brother, and he just inherits it as a matter of course. The only thing to pay attention to is that his "youth training camp" is not only not as inefficient as Real Madrid and Manchester United, but also almost as high as Barcelona, producing young talents such as Lu Meng, Lu Xun, and Lu Kang. Worth mentioning are Pan Zhang and Ma Zhong, a new generation of knights trained by Sun Quan's "Youth training Camp" to catch Guan Yu.

according to historical records, Sun Quan's appearance is completely different from that of his family, with green eyes and a purple beard, which makes it easy to doubt the purity of his pedigree. Considering that China already had extensive contacts with Central Asia at that time, we could not rule out the possibility that one of Sun Jian's favorite concubines came from the Persian Empire.

there is no doubt that foreign descent is not something that cannot be accepted by the royal family in China, so Sun Quan's accession to the throne has not been disturbed by any racists. What's more, Chinese people like to have a son and grow up to be mixed-race children. It doesn't matter whether they look like their father or not. They like their son to look different.

Chinese people like Sun Quan very much. He was a poet in the Song Dynasty and an expert at writing lyrics. He wrote a passage that said, "We must have a son like Sun Zhongmou." (Xin Qiji's "having a son is like Sun Zhongmou"). Zhongmou is Sun Quan. If Chinese people don't like the name their father changed, they can change their name by the age of 18. Sun Quan himself changed the name to "Zhongmou", which is a person, that is, Sun Quan, emperor of the State of Wu.

Sun Quan was the monarch who ruled for the longest time in the Three Kingdoms period. Except for two threats from Cao Cao and Liu Bei in his early days, Sun Quan was all plain sailing. Sun Quan is extremely lucky, which may also be the reason why the Chinese like him.