What does it matter if you live your life?

What does it matter if you live your life?

Although I can't control the gesture of your ex, you can control yourself not to go around chatting, flies don't bite seamless eggs, and if you show your attitude and keep your distance, I'm not afraid of how many exes you have.

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the ex-girlfriend is a creature, just like a ghost, who always appears in your life when you don't want her to appear. Before you and your boyfriend, sweet honey, like glue, suddenly a reminder: XXX praised your status.

XXX is your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.

at this time, you have to be a girlfriend who plans and takes care of the overall situation, so you can't be angry or make a scene, you can only open her home page angrily and see what this little bitch has updated.

shouldn't a good ex feel away from his ex's life? Be a silent person and take the initiative to disappear. Hello, hello, everyone.

when you encounter an ex with a lower Rank, you are still the kind of creature who only likes and pays attention once in a while. Some high-end exes are coquettish enough to make you question life.

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Miko has met such an ex-girlfriend. In the middle of the night, when she went for a ride with her boyfriend, her boyfriend's cell phone kept ringing without a signature. The boyfriend looked at Miko guiltily and muted the phone.

the phone vibrates all the time. After several rounds, Miko couldn't contain himself and answered the phone. "if you don't answer me, who will call you at night?" the moment the button was pressed, a female voice, with a crying voice, choked up a few vague words. Miko said, "I'm his girlfriend. What's the matter?"

the phone hung up quickly.

later I found out that it was my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend who had a bad life recently. Always find all kinds of excuses to call your ex and cry about how miserable you are.

what does it matter if you live your life?

if there is magic in the world, the mantra you must learn is: ex-girlfriend, please break up.

if you are still in love, don't break up and don't mess with other girls;

if you don't love, please make it clear and don't disturb each other's lives.

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Coco has been madly infatuated with a boy before because the image of the boy to the outside world is affectionate and single-minded. During the period when the boy was just lovelorn, he shut up and kept all the gifts from his ex-girlfriend. Coco said, "such a boy is affectionate and must be very kind to his girlfriend."

later, the boy accepted the pursuit of cocoa, and after a few days of sweetness, Coco found that the boy was still ready to take office ahead of time. One night Coco worked overtime and went back to find that his boyfriend had been talking to his ex for nearly three hours.

during the showdown, the boy said plausibly, "didn't you have a crush on me at the beginning?" Boys who can't let go of their ex and don't get back together, no, those who can't let go of their ex and start a new relationship are all scum.

it wasn't until later that Coco knew that the original boy broke up with his ex because he contacted his ex behind her back and was such a "single-minded" man.

if he is still in love with his ex, he should fall in love with him instead of having an affair with you.

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although I can't control the gesture of your ex, you can control yourself not to go around chatting, flies don't bite seamless eggs, and if you show your attitude and keep your distance, I'm not afraid of how many exes you have.

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sense of security in a relationship requires both parties to give to each other. Without solid "logistical support" support, real girlfriends can only be cowardly fake, and shoddy.

after the breakup, whether it is good or bad has nothing to do with me. Unless there is something particularly important, don't disturb your ex's life under the guise of living a bad life. If you didn't love well when you were in love, do you have to make it up when you break up?

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when we are together, cherish every minute and every second so that we will not regret it after we are separated. Too many people, do not know how to have beauty, work hard, do not have feelings, and wake up, began a long period of remorse.

ex, please, get out of here.