What is the gap between a life of exercise and a life without exercise?

What is the gap between a life of exercise and a life without exercise?

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.


Zhao Liying, who has always entered the entertainment industry with a "round face", recently sent a group of fitness photos. She seems to have changed.

165th height, weight 43kg, looks thin Zhao Liying, smooth muscle lines, vest line is clearly visible, this is undoubtedly the ultimate goal of many fitness people.

33-year-old Zhao Liying, who gave birth to a baby last year, is able to build such a figure thanks to her ruthlessness to herself.

without a good background, she did her best, and those who lived up to her efforts finally gave her a sweet reward.

Rome was not built in a day, and Zhao Liying's success is inseparable from the cultivation of one day.

behind "fitness has a small advantage", there is a soul with a high degree of self-discipline.


the story of a blogger on Douban won tens of thousands of likes.

the blogger usually gets home from work at 8 o'clock. She will have midnight snacks for dinner, milk tea, desserts and snacks. Unrestrained.

after being full, I lie in bed and swipe my cell phone. When I see my eyes hurt every day, I am willing to put down and go to sleep.

in her words, going to bed before two o'clock is a waste of time.

over the past three months, her face was covered with acne, and her weight soared from 90 jin to 130 jin.

this does not make the blogger feel too uneasy, she still repeats in the previous "happy" life.

until once on the subway, someone suddenly patted her from behind and said, "you are pregnant, come and sit with me."

the blogger looked at his stomach, was in a dilemma and sat down flushed. She said:

I couldn't wait to get into the ground right away, and I didn't have the courage to say I wasn't pregnant.

that night I lay in bed without swiping my cell phone, so I couldn't sleep.

humiliated repeatedly by fate, but powerless to fight back.

this kind of mute eating Coptis chinensis has also been experienced by many people.

instead of letting the blogger swallow this time for nothing, she began to "torture" herself.

go to the gym for 2 hours after work every day, 5 days a week, rain or shine.

three meals a day are self-made fat-reducing light foods instead of fried foods and snacks.

read a book for half an hour before going to bed, so you don't have extra time to browse your cell phone.

I no longer rely on my cell phone, so I naturally quit staying up late.

it has been her habit to sweat hard in the gym for half a year, and she will feel uncomfortable if she doesn't go for a day.

she is used to eating healthy fat-reducing meals and feels disgusted at the sight of high-calorie food.

the quality of sleep has also improved unwittingly, and she usually goes to bed on time at 11:00.

because of continuous learning, bloggers also get a promotion and a raise at work. Now that she has bought a scooter, she no longer has to squeeze the subway.

the blogger said in an interview: "the life of self-discipline is so cool!"

I think so.

those who live like an open-ended life have two words engraved on the back-"self-discipline".

self-discipline is to use reason and emotion to dredge desire, just as Wang Yangming said, "to conscience", through the self-restraint process of "preserving natural justice and destroying human desire".

extermination of human desire is not the elimination of all human desires, but the elimination of illegitimate desires, and the process of elimination is the process of self-discipline.

self-discipline, excitement in the early stage, pain in the middle stage, and enjoyment in the later stage.

A person who is self-disciplined to the extreme has an unlimited future, and good luck will follow.


is it like this in the morning for many people:

the alarm goes off countless times, get up stuck, get dressed and wash in a hurry, and go out to work without even having time to drink a mouthful of hot water.

the subway transfer is running fast, for fear that I will be late a minute later.

after arriving at the company, I started the morning's work hungry with zero efficiency, only looking forward to a rest at noon.

I know that I can get rid of this anxiety by getting up early, but I just can't do it. It can only be so bad day after day.

the plan of the day is in the morning. For many people, how to spend a morning is basically how to spend a day.

it's not scary not to be self-disciplined. The scary thing is that people who are better than you tend to be more disciplined than you.

Haruki Murakami, a writer I like very much, gets up at 3 a.m. every day and writes for four hours when writing novels.

in order to keep fit, he runs 10 kilometers every day and runs a full marathon at least once a year, which has been going on for more than 30 years.

Photo Source: Douban

he said in "what do I talk about when I talk about running?"

in the morning, people are more likely to accomplish things that require personal self-discipline.

you see, when you are still complaining about the low starting point in life, have you ever thought that every day is a new starting point?

if you can get up an hour earlier every day, there will be a full 15 days more in a year. During this short period of time you can read a book, do a meditation, or finish the jogging you've always wanted to start.

this continues for 3 years, 5 years, 10 years. What you get is far more than an hour in the morning.

getting up early is not only about changing your routine, but also about your health, your time, and your future.

if self-discipline is the end of success, getting up early is the starting point of self-discipline.

excellent people tend to have some common qualities and characteristics. Among these qualities, nothing is more prominent than self-discipline.

A few days ago, #An exclusive interview with CCTV Zhang Weili # went on the hot search.

she is the first Chinese champion in the history of the Ultimate fighting Championship, when asked, "how do you manage not to drink Coke or eat hot pot?"

Zhang Weili said that

James is the athlete she admires very much, because James is so self-disciplined.

for eight years, he never ate pork in order to keep fit.

spend millions of dollars every year to keep fit, make sure you have an accompanying coach no matter where you are.

Photo Source: Weibo

after a game, James saw a delicious sausage cheese pizza in the locker room. He immediately turned around and said, "this is not the food James should eat."

after the series, while all the other players were on vacation, James went to the gym with a lot of sweat.

what does such a self-disciplined person get?

has the physical fitness of the Champions League; set new records in basketball again and again; James ranked 17th on the Forbes 100 list of celebrities in 2019.

there is no free suffering in life. One day, your ability will be worthy of your ambition.

I like Luo Fang's sentence very much:

who we are now is what we used to be with our own hands.

and in the near future, what we will look like depends on the way we use our time now.

the way we use our time is the way we shape ourselves.

self-discipline will not only make people better, but also give you a sense of superiority immersed in the bone marrow.


the more useful something is, the more painful it is to do it. If you feel relaxed, then your efforts must not be enough.

when you get up early for running, the first thing is to clock in and locate your position in moments.

as a result, after running for ten minutes, I bought a bottle of drink and sat by the side of the road and drank it, grinning secretly, feeling that I had made great progress.

in the afternoon, a cup of tea, a book, and a photo, send "read the first 50 pages today" to your moments.

after an hour, I replied to the message 20 times and read the book for less than a few pages.

at 10:00 in the evening, send a status of "go to bed before 11:00 every day from today on".

then I went to talk to my friends on the phone, and when I felt sleepy, I saw that it was already 1: 00 in the morning.

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this kind of self-discipline in moments is actually "pseudo-self-discipline". Although it is very positive in spirit, it is actually just a positive person.

there is a good saying that the reason why you are unhappy is that

you are always intermittently complacent, constantly eating and waiting to die, unable to stand the current state and unable to change it.

you can be as lazy as a pig, but not as lazy as a pig.

after all, the lust for pleasure needs to be repaid at a higher price.

in fact, most of the time, your anxiety often stems from a lack of self-discipline.

American psychologist Jim Collins put forward a famous "twenty-mile rule". It says that there is a 3,000-mile journey from San Diego on the west coast of the United States, which is very complex and often encounters weather changes.

how can explorers get through this journey as quickly as possible?

the answer is 20 miles a day, that is, 32 kilometers a day. Don't walk much in sunny days and don't be lazy in rainy days. The rule of

applies to self-discipline as well.

self-discipline is not an impulse of a day or two, but a cumulative persistence. Only by achieving the ultimate goal can you show that you are a self-disciplined person.

there is a sentence that deeply touched me in

the best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now.

the change you want will never start without starting now.

self-discipline is hard, but fortunately, it's not too late as long as you want to.

people who are self-disciplined are not necessarily good. But good people must be self-disciplined.

since we can't decide the starting point, let's fight it out at the end.