When people live to a certain age, silence is maturity, and silence is wisdom.

When people live to a certain age, silence is maturity, and silence is wisdom.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

everyone is not an island, and people are connected to each other.

where there is connection, there is conflict, and where there is conflict, there is right and wrong.

distinguishing between right and wrong is the inner rule, but arguing about right and wrong is just tongue fiddling.

Zhuangzi said: do not pick right and wrong, and secular.

Smart people do not argue between right and wrong, get along with the world and live at ease.


is a kind of atmosphere

Su Shi said: "there are great brave people in the world who suddenly come without surprise, and do not get angry for no reason."

there are brave people in the world who are insulted and slandered, but they can also be "humiliated and calm".

in the Qing Dynasty, there was a man named Wei Lian, whose father was a doctor.

one day, Mr. Wei was invited to the patient's home for medical treatment. after he left, the patient found that the ten taels of silver hidden under the pillow was gone.

the patient's son suspected that Mr. Wei had taken it. Mr. Wei gave him the silver without excuse.

later, the patient recovered and found silver under the bed.

the patient brought his son to the door to apologize, but the old man didn't mind.

Mr. Wei said, "it doesn't matter if I suffer a little grievance. It makes you feel better. It's more important to get better soon."

Father and son were grateful and kowtowed, and the reputation of Wei Shanren spread from then on.

the ancients used to say that virtue is the foundation of longevity.

the son of Mr. Wei later became a scholar in high school, and the official went to Taiwan. When the old man was 80 years old, he got the emperor's Letters Patent.

Zhuangzi has a saying: big words are hot, small words Zhan Zhan.

Great Wisdom turns into Great Wisdom, and Little Wisdom will argue about right and wrong.

Life will inevitably be wronged, people with a large pattern, do not fight for immediate honor or disgrace, do not care about temporary right and wrong.

when confronted with censure, endure humiliation, take a step back and give way to a point, and use your own strength to bear and resolve right and wrong.

their hearts are magnificent and determined, tolerant and kind, and their blessings are deeper than those of ordinary people.


indisputable, it is a kind of open-minded

Zhuangzi said: "Summer worms can't talk about ice."

Don't talk about winter with summer bugs.

it has never seen the ice and snow in winter or felt the cold in winter. No matter how much you say, it will be a waste of breath.

all arguments must be at a common level of communication.

different levels, argument is not only meaningless, but also brings disaster.

in 2017, 28-year-old actress Liu Jie took her fiance to the hospital to visit her sick grandmother.

when I was going upstairs, I accidentally came across a drunk who swore, and the two sides immediately began to argue.

after a few words of argument, the drunk pulled out a knife, the girl was stabbed to death, and her fiance was seriously injured.

A few senseless arguments ruined a girl's life.

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the world is so big that there are all kinds of people. Not everyone is reasonable and not everyone is worth arguing about.

Su Shi was once hit by a drunk in Huangzhou, but he didn't care and laughed it off.

if the dog bites you, just be unlucky, so why bite it again?

concession is not weakness, but an open-minded one.

when people live to a certain age, silence is maturity, and silence is wisdom.


indisputable, it is a pattern

Zhuangzi said: "things certainly have something, but things must have something." If there is nothing, nothing can be done. "

everything has its existence value and basis, and the so-called right and wrong are imposed by others.

the more one sees, the more he understands that there is no point in debating right and wrong.

the Zen master asked a young man, "I have a pile of mud and a grain of gold in my hand. Which one do you choose?"

the young man said, "of course you choose gold."

the Zen master said, "what if you are a seed?"

the value of mud and gold depends not on itself, but on who you are.

different positions, different choices, different concepts of right and wrong.

Zhihu has a question and answer: "what is the experience of going to more than 100 countries?"

one of the highly praised answers said:

"understand that there is no such thing as natural and absolute political correctness in this world, and be able to accept that other people have different values and their derived ways of thinking."

the more broad one's horizons are, the more he or she will look at problems, and the more he can tolerate differences, the less he will argue.

do not argue, not because of cowardice, but because of more knowledge, understand more, the heart is no longer narrow, no longer paranoid.


is a kind of mature

A couplet hanging at the door of Jinge Temple in Wutai Mountain: it is difficult to open your eyes when you see through the world, and nod your head secretly.

the more experienced one is, he knows how to be silent and always smiles in the face of right and wrong.

they see too much, they don't make a fuss, they don't cling to their own opinions, and they don't care about other people's comments.

Lu Mengzheng, prime minister of the Song Dynasty, was promoted to participate in politics within a few years because of the emperor's appreciation.

during the lower dynasty, someone ridiculed him behind his back: "do you look shabby and deserve to participate in politics?"

but he pretended not to hear it and did not look back.

my colleagues around me are aggrieved and want to go back to theory.

he grabbed his colleague and said, "never mind, what he says is his business, and it doesn't hurt me."

people around him were convinced that he would be prime minister in the future.

fruitHowever, he later became the prime minister.

Zhuangzi said: "if you hold the reputation of the world without persuasion, the whole world will not add to it." It is enough to distinguish between internal and external, and to argue between honor and disgrace. "

A person with a rich heart, the admiration of others can not make him harder, and the criticism of others will not make him more depressed.

Life, just a few decades, live only for yourself.

what others think of us is someone else's business.

to be yourself with peace of mind is the greatest practice.


there is a saying in the Buddhist sutra: "if you do not distinguish between right and wrong, be at ease."

Life is like water, the more it stirs, the more muddy it gets.

stop stirring before you can return to clarity.

if you don't argue, people will worry less and live a free and easy life.

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