You have three advantages: calm down, calm down, and turn a corner.

You have three advantages: calm down, calm down, and turn a corner.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

A person's life is destined to be a bumpy journey, with troughs and peaks, frustrations and triumphs. During this period, we need to calm down, calm down, and turn corners.

in this way, we can cultivate a good state of mind and cultivate a big pattern, and then we can understand the true meaning of life and go further.


calm down


In the face of this popularity, Qian Zhongshu always kept silent.

for the so-called "money science", he thinks that "flattery is more than research". Because of flattery, characters can become boring things.

A TV station spent a lot of money to instigate him to accept an interview, and he humorously declined:

Qian Zhongshu was never seduced by money, fame, and fortune, but studied academia calmly. After "besieging the Fortress," he also created famous collections of essays, such as talking about Art, Writing on the Edge of Life, and gathering Poems of Huai.

only when one is calm, can one recognize himself, know what he is facing and what he should do, can he have his thinking and see the truth of life.

stillness is a silent and powerful force.

when the mind is calm, it is clear, and when the heart is clear, it is clear.

calm down and listen to your heart so that you can live a better life.

with a calm heart, take your time and join the WTO calmly, and with an elegant attitude, confident and calm.


keep calm

through the ages, people who achieve great things have extraordinary willpower. When they encounter hardships or fall into a desperate situation, they can calm down, calm down, and seize the opportunity to turn things around.

at the end of the Spring and Autumn period, in the Huiji War, the State of Wu defeated the State of Yue. After the defeat, Gou Jian, the King of Yue, pretended to be submissive and was willing to be a slave in the State of Wu.

Gou Jian and his wife do all kinds of chores in the State of Wu, being called around by others, carefully waiting on Wu Wang Fuchai, who rides a horse every time, instead of using a pedal, he has to step on Goujian's shoulder.

Gou Jian was submissive on the surface, but he endured humiliation and endured hardships every day, bearing in mind the shame of subjugation.

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after two years of obedience, Fuchai thought that Gou Jian had sincerely obeyed him, so he let Gou Jian go home.

after Gou Jian returned home, he moved to the capital and rebuilt the certification system. The people of Yue became angry and wanted to be strong, and the country was thriving with each passing day.

in 482 BC, the State of Yue destroyed Wu, and Gou Jian became the overlord two years later.

people with far-reaching patterns can calm down and constantly enrich their wings; they know how not to complain or worry, and to build a future that they aspire to step by step.

this is a kind of vision, a kind of pursuit, but also a kind of endurance.

if you can keep your breath down, you can become a great power.

in this life, there will be both bumper years and famine years, and ups and downs and pressure are inevitable.

people who are good know-how to wait for the opportunity and rise abruptly based on their accumulated strength. As Master Nebula said:

the same is true of life, and the last person who breaks out is all about endurance.

only by keeping calm can we pave the way for the future.


there is a story about a farmer who lives at the foot of a mountain, herds sheep and grows vegetables for a living, and often goes to the market to sell goat's milk, vegetables, and fruits.

there are two roads to the bazaar: one is a shortcut to the bazaar, but half the way is impassable by a boulder; the other takes hours to reach the bazaar, and it is easy to miss the morning rush hour.

one day the farmer made up his mind to remove the boulder, so he took his son with him.

in the past three months, the boulder has only removed the tip of the iceberg.

once, my son was tired from work and suddenly shouted, "Why do we have to remove this stone?" If you move to the other side of the stone, you can build a new house in three months, which is much easier than carving stone day and night. "

after hearing this, the farmer suddenly realized.

soon after, the farmer's family moved to a place close to the market and lived a surplus and convenient life.

the boulder in the way cannot be removed easily, and the best way is to bypass it.

the same is true in life. If you encounter an impassable road, you might as well adjust your direction and turn in time, maybe you will encounter better scenery.

cartoonist Zheng Xinyao once said:

the stubbornness of not hitting the south wall and not looking back is not an advantage, but turning in a corner is great wisdom.

the mountain does not turn, the road turns; the road does not turn, the person does not turn, the person does not turn, the heart turns.

along the way of life, we need not only the courage to move forward, but also the wisdom to turn.

what determines the height of our lives is never the starting point, but the turning point.

for the rest of our lives, may we learn to deal with the world calmly, judge the hour, and size up the situation, the birds will not be frightened through the floating clouds, and the sand and water will still be clear?

No matter how many obstacles he has in the way, I made a detour.